Home»Other»Historical Homes of Portage Township Booklet

Historical Homes of Portage Township Booklet

Portage-Historical-HomesPortage Community Historical Society, Inc., is updating and reprinting their "Historical Homes" booklet. We are looking for sponsors or ads to cover the cost of printing. A business card size ad is $25.00 and ads will be printed on the last page of the "Historical Homes" booklet. We plan to have at least 100 printed. They will be printed and bound at the Minuteman Press in Portage. We will be selling the "Homes" booklets for $5.00 each and they will be about 75 pages.

To place an ad or pre-order a booklet contact Kathy Heckman at KHeckman50@aol.com or Lois Mollick at landj.Mollick1@frontier.com or write to the Portage Community Historical Society at PO Box 305, Portage, IN 46368

Make checks payable to the Portage Community Historical Society, Inc.

Deadline approximately Feb. 29, 2012 for the ads. Extended deadline March 15, 2012.