The U.S. Department Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced awards to community health centers across the First Congressional District. “I congratulate our local community health centers for receiving this important funding. It will be used to expand high-quality health care services throughout our communities,” said Congressman Pete Visclosky.
According to HHS, this funding will allow health centers to increase access to comprehensive primary health care services by hiring new staff, including new health care providers, increasing operating hours, and expanding the care they provide to include new services, such as oral health, behavioral health, pharmacy, and vision services.
“With funding from the Health Resources Services Administration for Expanded Services, Community HealthNet will hire doctors and additional medical staff. This funding will enable Community HealthNet to provide much needed primary care services to more people in Northwest Indiana,” said Dr. Janet Seabrook, Executive Director, of Community HealthNet.
“We are pleased to be a recipient of this HRSA grant. HealthLinc will use the grant to increase the capacity of our OB program in East Chicago and start a program in Valparaiso. Indiana’s infant mortality rates, specifically among low-income women in Lake and Porter counties, are some of the worse in the nation. This funding will be used to help improve those statistics, resulting in healthy babies,” said Beth Wrobel, CEO, HealthLinc.
“We are very pleased with this award announcement. This funding will allow us to some provide transportation services to our patients and allow us to increase our physician and dental services. We appreciate Congressman Pete Visclosky and HRSA’s support in securing this funding,” said Bob Krumwied, CEO, Regional Mental Health Center.
“We are thankful for the recent grant funding received. NorthShore will use the grant funds to expand our comprehensive primary care and vision services to our patients. We are grateful for Congressman Visclosky’s continued support,” said Jan Wilson, CEO, NorthShore Health Centers.