Yost Elementary second graders used some of the proceeds from their Yosties' Candy Crunchies Company to give a donation to the Porter County Animal Shelter. In addition to a $300 cash donation, students brought several food, treat, toy and cleaning supplies for the shelter.
Pictured are second graders, front, left to right, Calvin Karriman, Christopher Woods, Ryan Valdez and Ethan Fisher.
Row 2, Austin Sandlin, Kylee Leidolf, Jasmine Sotelo, Zach Roof, Aidan Terry, Robby Graves, Nathan Rogala and Jacob Gifford.
Row 3, Maya Marten, Natalie Arney, Lana Troy, Jason Jaeger, Merek Schiller, Dolton Kiel, Genene Engels, James Radar and Parker Pendergrass.
Row 4, Logan Whelan, Kaylee Svetie, Xavier Parton, Timonthy Goldsberry, Dawn Gaboian, Jocelyn Govert, Lucas Aponte, Madison Barnes, Jordan Alders, Andrew Chasko, Kaden Donnella, Matthew Eldridge, Porter County Animal Shelter Director John Thomas, Jake Graves and Aerianna Wolford.
Row 5, Alex Unger, Aidan Torres, Evelyn Kelly, Claire Huff, Connor Katsafaros, Ethan Troy, Nick, Kallan, C.J. Glover, Thomas Else, Troy Perkins, Austin Berghefer and Julian Watkin.
Back row, Teacher Amanda Scully, Makenna Hyska, Hope Beatty and teachers Jade Navarre and Heather Dunkle.