Help the La Porte County United Way Make 2015 Great

HNY-UWLPIn 2014 the La Porte County United Way had an enormous impact on the local communities. And as the year is coming to a close, the organization is looking to make 2015 even better. They want to reach more people, help more children, and assist more nonprofit organizations in the area.

But they can't do it alone. The generous donations of individuals and businesses in the area are crucial to the progress that the organization wishes to make.

Did you know that in 2014 alone the La Porte County United Way provided:

  • Kindergarten Countdown camps for 200 students
  • wheelchair ramps for 51 home bound seniors
  • jobs for 230 severely disabled adults
  • domestic violence shelter for 317 women
  • mentoring to over 300 teenagers
  • critical healthcare for 1,574 high school students


All of that done in one year. Think of what the La Porte County United Way can do in 2015. It's a blank slate, an empty page, and we are the ones who can decide what to write on it. Will it be a story of success? More children learning and building important skills? More jobs for unemployed individuals? Mentors for young teenagers? A hot meal and a warm hug for those falling on hard times?

Why not? It doesn't take much. Doing the math, there are an estimated 91,139 adult residents of La Porte County. If everyone in La Porte County made a one-time donation of $5, then $455,695 would be raised that the La Porte County United Way can use for the programs and nonprofits that it supports. Now if everyone gave $5 per month, a total of $60 per year, $5,468,340 could be raised. Think about all that could be done with that amount of money; how many people can get the help that they need!

 No donation is too small. Click here to donate and make a difference in someone's life.