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Fundraising Bike Trek Benefits Growth and Development of Portage Township Parks

Portage-Township-Trustee-OfficeThe Friends of Portage Township Foundation, a non-profit 501c3 group, is hosting a fundraising event for the growth and development of the Portage Township Parks. (Haven Hallow and Field of Dreams) Trek the Township is a 20-mile family-fun bicycling event to be held starting at beautiful Haven Hallow Park, 330 west 700 North, on Saturday May 18th at 8am.

Bring out everyone for the noncompetitive bicycling trek that will take you on a scenic route through Portage Township on county roads and the Prairie Duneland Trail. Registration fees are youth under 12 are free, 12- 17 are $15 and adults are $25. All youth must be accompanied by an adult. To register online; www.townshipfriends.org or stop by the Trustee’s office at 3484 Airport Road. You must register by May 11th to be guaranteed a cool T-shirt to commemorate the ride. For more information please contact Joy Lundstrom at 219-762-1623 X31