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Fuel Saving Tips from South Shore Clean Cities

save_fuelWho isn't tired of paying so much for gas? There are many things you can do to improve your gas mileage. Here are some fuel saving tips from the U.S. Department of Energy that will help you keep more money in your pocket this summer:

1. Drive more efficiently: Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration, and breaking) wastes gas. It can lower your gas mileage by 33% at highway speeds & by 5% around town.

2. Avoid excessive idling: Idling gets 0 miles per gallon.

ssccname3. Use cruise control on the highway to save gas.

4. Keep your car in shape. Keeping your engine properly tuned improves gas mileage by an average of 4%

5. Keep your tires properly inflated and use the recommended grade of motor oil. Combined, this can improve your gas mileage by 4 to 5%.

6. Plan and combine trips: Combining errands into one trip saves you $.

7. If you commute, stagger your work hours to avoid peak rush hours.

8. Consider telecommuting, carpooling and/or public transportation.

9. Choose a more fuel efficient vehicle: Use www.fueleconomy.gov to simplify your decision. The difference between a car that gets 20 MPG and one that gets 30 MPG is almost $1,000 per year (assuming 15,000 miles of driving annually and a fuel cost of $3.96)

Click here to read more on how to save on fuel costs.