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Event Helps Small Businesses Create Branding Strategies

nwi-sbdcIndiana University Northwest School of Business and Economics and the Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center are partnering to present a workshop on branding strategies for small businesses.

Branding on a Budget will be from noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday March 21 at IUN, 3400 Broadway, at the Dunes Medical/Professional Building in Room 1156. Light refreshments will be provided. There is no charge for the workshop but registration is required. To register, visit www.nwisbdc.org, click on seminars and events, the workshop and follow instructions.

The event will focus on creating cost-effective branding tactics through a step-by-step template while exploring media options to help maximize exposure. Facilitator Subir Bandyopadhyay, PhD, Professor of Marketing at IUN, will also spotlight the challenges small businesses face in marketing their products and services as well as illustrate how branding is a key avenue to success.

Bandyopadhyay said small businesses are often limited by resources in establishing their brands.

“Most companies appreciate the value of a strong brand. It is well-known in marketing that approximately three in four consumer purchases are emotionally-driven and only one in four is made out of necessity. Branding helps companies make an emotional bond with target consumers,” Bandyopadhyay said.

“Companies typically commit substantial resources to develop strong brand images for their products. Unfortunately, small businesses do not enjoy the same level of resources to develop and implement a branding strategy.”

For more information, contact the NWI SBDC at (219) 644-3513.

Serving seven counties in the region, the NWI SBDC offers free assistance for entrepreneurs starting or expanding their businesses. Through one-on-one consulting, the NWI SBDC helps guide small businesses toward their goals by offering referrals, workshops, training opportunities and other essential business tools. It is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Small Business Administration, the State of Indiana and other local partners.

For more information, visit www.nwisbdc.org.