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Day for Kids Celebrates the Wee Ones

Zao Island was filled with families on Saturday morning for the Boys and Girls Club of Porter County Day for Kids. Day for Kids is a nationally celebrated day in which people of all ages celebrate exactly what the name says: kids.

For $6.50 per person, parents and their kids were able to get 20 tokens to be used in the arcade and other parts of Zao Island, a round of mini-golf and one additional attraction like laser tag, go-carts, bounce house or a huge blow up slide.

“This is an annual event and we’re here at Zao Island giving the community a chance to spend time with their kids, have fun and make great memories,” Cathie Dull, Assistant Director of Resource Development for the Boys and Girls Club of Porter County said. “Everyone is coming out and taking advantage of everything that Zao Island has to offer and having a great time.”

An estimated 400 families had come to take part in the Day for Kids event (that was the number before the event was half-way over). The kids eagerly tried all of the activities available to them. The sounds of the arcade machines mixed nicely with the chatter and giggles of the children. This was an excellent way to spend a Saturday.

Abby Kaeb was there with family, and they having a great time.

“We decided to come today to Zao Island because we wanted to do something as a family and this sounded like a great time,” Kaeb said. “Our favorite part was the arcade. It brings back memories from when I was a kid.”

So everyone had a great time at the annual Day for Kids event. Be sure to come out on Oct 22, 2013 for the Boys and Girls Club 14th Annual Steak and Burger Dinner in the Harre Union Ballroom at Valparaiso University.

Click here to find out more about the Boys and Girls Club of Porter County and find them on Facebook.

Click here to find out more about Zao Island and find them on Facebook!