One major focus of my campaign for City Council was openness with the public at-large. I believe that being accessible to your constituents is key to succeeding in any elected position. When the public is your boss, it is important to be in contact with them on a daily basis.
In my first year in office, I held four Town-Hall meetings with fellow City Councilman Scott Williams. Both Scott and I could not have been more pleased with the response that we experienced from these informative meetings. I look forward to holding more in the future as the need arises.
I have also been very active on Facebook in keeping residents informed and kept up-date on the goings-on in our community. It has proven to be a crucial tool in hearing from residents and being able to answer their questions. I invite all of you to follow my City Councilman Page on Facebook.
Even with Facebook and my Town-Hall meetings, I think it is important to offer many other methods of contact, such as my phone number, email address and website. All of which are available on the City of Portage website, my Councilman website, Facebook and on each business card I had out.
Elected officials should welcome public input in any manner possible, as often as possible, and make it as easy as possible. I have come to learn that when the public is your boss, it is your duty to listen.
That is why I am launching a monthly newsletter. I invite all Portage residents to sign up at Following the monthly City Council meeting, I will be sending out updates from the meeting, important notices, upcoming events, and a short note for residents. My goal is to continue to keep residents up to date each month and keep the public informed.
Additionally, I have launched a survey for all residents who wish to provide feedback on City services, upcoming projects and give ideas to City officials to help move Portage forward. The survey is open to all Portage residents and can be completed at
Serving the residents of Portage is the greatest honor of my life. I am looking forward to the next three years of work for you.