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Czilli: Become Involved with Local Government

This is my first Voices article of the new year and I want to take this opportunity to stress the importance of being involved in your local government.

We, as a City Council, need to hear from the public in order for us to do our job properly. Without you bringing concerns to us, it is impossible for us to act upon them.

When you think about it, we are the level of government that will affect you the most personally. Do not be a stranger, email or call us. You can find all of our contact information at www.ci.portage.in.us.

In the coming months, there will be big decisions that will be made about the future of our city. It is imperative that we're here from you, our employer, before we make any decision. We are spending your money and doing the work that you elected us to do, why not check on our progress and let us know if we are living up to your standards? I, for one, welcome it!

That is why I am happy to announce that I will be holding my first monthly town-hall meeting. This is a promise that was a central point of my campaign and it is a promise that I have not forgotten. The first meeting will take place on Monday, February 1st. The location and time of this meeting have not yet been set but will be announced in the coming days.

In the coming months, I hope to work with members of the Snyder Administration and the City Council to focus our efforts on connecting with residents and discovering which issues they want us to tackle. From personal experience of speaking to residents at their doors during the campaign, it is clear that drainage and downtown development are top priorities. These too, are my top priorities. This next year will be a pivotal moment for the future of our city. Portage has some exciting opportunities on the horizon that must be cared for and developed in a responsible manner. If all the right pieces come together, Portage could be at the forefront of economic development.

With our first council meeting behind us, there is much work to be done in our city. By this time next month, I hope to hear from many of you about the future of our city and to answer any questions you may have. More importantly, I hope to see you at my first town-hall meeting or at the February City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd.

If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please feel free to email me at cczilli@portage-in.com or call me at (219) 254-2103. Also, to stay up to date on what we are doing as a council, make sure to follow me on Facebook at Collin Czilli, Portage City Councilman.

For now, please stay warm and I hope to hear from you soon!