The Portage Township YMCA is taking registration for the next session of BEGINNER COMPUTER I class. This class, taught by William Kaufman, will cover everything from turning computers on and off to exploring the internet, basic word processing skills and sending and receiving e-mail. Computers will be provided. This is a 12 week session beginning April 5 and running through June 28 and class size is limited to 8. This beginner class will meet on Mondays from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Portage Township YMCA. The total cost of this session will be $52.50 for Primary Plus members, $75.00 for Primary members and $150.00 for others. COMPUTER II is a series of 1-month classes designed to further the skills of those who have basic computer skills, such as Computer I or who have real world experience.
Classes are scheduled on Monday nights from 7 - 8 PM. Classes may have prerequisites needed to attend. April-Audio/Visual I, May-Audio/Visual II, June-Audio/Visual III. Class fees per month;$17.50 primary plus, $25 primary, $50 others. Register at the Portage Township YMCA. For more information, call Janet Grant at 762-YMCA (762-9622). Additional Portage Township YMCA information is available at-