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Community Celebrates Empowerment in 2016 through Girls on the Run

Girls-on-the-Run-LogoGirls on the Run of Northwest Indiana is preparing to host its end-of the-season 5K celebration this May and is looking for volunteers.

For the first time, the organizations will host two spring events. The Highland 5K will be Saturday, May 21 at Highland High School. The newly added Portage 5K will be Sunday, May 22 at the YMCA of Portage. Festivities for both events begin at 8 a.m. and the noncompetitive 5K begins at 10 a.m.

Toni Modglin, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator for GOTR of NWI, is excited every year for the 5K. “Our 5Ks are the best way to experience Girls on the Run. Some of our most amazing coaches started off as running buddies, participants or even spectators at one of our celebrations,” said Modglin.

The 5K race is the biggest event for Girls on the Run and volunteers are needed. GOTR of NWI is welcoming student groups, church groups and anyone looking for service hours.

Volunteers can help with, but are not limited to, 5K registration, pre-race shirt sorting, crowd control, hair and face painting, water stops, parking and more. Assistance is also needed sorting t-shirts ahead of the event.

All volunteers will receive a Girls on the Run volunteer t-shirt. Registration to volunteer or to run the 5K can be found on the Girls on the Run of Northwest Indiana website at gotrofnwi.org. For further questions, please contact our 5K Director, Amy Kovacs at amy.kovacs@girlsontherun.org.

“Once you experience the energy and joy of a GOTR 5K, you can't help but get involved,” said Modglin.

Girls on the Run of Northwest Indiana is grateful for our Gold and Silver level sponsors, Community Hospital and PMT Nuclear.

Girls on the Run is a non-profit organization that serves over 130,000 girls in 200 cities across the United States and Canada. The mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.