City of La Porte residents are invited to share their feedback this week regarding parking in Downtown La Porte, according to Community Development & Planning Director Craig Phillips.
The City of La Porte is currently working with Walker Parking to conduct a downtown parking study. To assist in this effort, a public input session has been scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 21 at La Porte City Hall. Phillips said his team is interested in hearing residents' thoughts on how parking in this area could be improved.
"We have consistently heard from residents about the parking struggles in our downtown," Phillips said. "We are well aware of this problem and are preparing to take action. This study is the first step, and we hope our residents will participate this week as we kick-off discussions for this important topic."
Phillips said the purpose of the parking study is to evaluate parking inventory, demand, and usage patterns and behaviors. In addition, he said the study will suggest short- and long-term parking improvements, including the identification of areas where additional parking can be made available.
Representatives from city staff and Walker parking will be available Thursday evening to listen and answer questions. All are welcome to attend the session.