Mayor Olga G. Velazquez along with Portage Fire Chief Tom Fieffer invites the public to join the Portage Police and Fire Departments at Gilbert Park on September 11 for a 10 year 9-11 Commemoration Ceremony. The timeline is as follows:
- 8:40:00 Gather of participants.
- 8:46:26: Lower Flags in recognition of Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) moment of silence.
- 8:47:00 members read names of 343 fallen firefighters in New York (approx. 10 min.)
- 8:57:00 members read the names of the 60 fallen police officers in New York
- 9:02:59: Flight 175 crashes into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC)
- 9:04:00 Raise Flags 9:05:00 Dismissal