Home»Other»City of Portage Excessive Heat Warning for July 21-22, 2016

City of Portage Excessive Heat Warning for July 21-22, 2016

city-of-portageThe National Weather Service has issued Heat Warnings for Thursday and Friday as the temperatures will be in the mid 90’s; however, with the humidity, the heat index will reach between 105-115 degrees. A heat index of this magnitude is in the danger range for the likelihood of heat disorders with prolonged exposure or strenuous activity.

We urge everyone to take these warnings seriously and to remain hydrated, avoid prolonged exposure to the heat if possible and to be vigilant for your friends and neighbors for signs of heat related medical symptoms. Check on your elderly neighbors and don’t forget that pets are also extremely susceptible to overheating outdoors. Our police department will be extremely vigilant for children and pets being left in vehicles and strictly enforce the laws in these cases.

A cooling center will be available Thursday and Friday at Woodland Park at 2100 Willowcreek from 9 am to 9pm. The Splashpad at Founders Square is also a good option to escape the heat with the kids as well.

If you need non-emergency assistance, please contact any city office. If you have a medical emergency or need to report a child or animal left in a hot vehicle, please call 911.