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City of Portage Community Spotlight: Reminder on Christmas related trash

City of Portage Community Spotlight: Reminder on Christmas related trash

Each Sunday we will feature a project going on within the city, happenings within a department or someone who works hard to provide services to the community. Today we want to offer a reminder as to what Christmas-related waste is recyclable and what should be thrown in the trash as the city's sanitation department is heading into its busiest week of the year.

Christmas is over and, in addition to the memories, we're all left with piles of wrapping paper, ribbons and bows. And, this year in particular, you may have an extraordinary number of shipping boxes due to an increase in online shopping. Finally, if you're a Christmas purist, you will be looking to dispose of that real Christmas tree in the next few days.

This coming week, said Randy Reeder, superintendent of the city's streets and sanitation department, is one of the busiest of the year.

So, what should be put in the green-lidded recycling toter and what should be placed in the black-lidded trash toter?

Here are a few tips:

- All cardboard should be cut down or broken down and placed in the recycling toter. Boxes that won't fit into the toter can be broken down and placed within one or two larger boses and placed to the side of the green-lidded toter.

- Here's what is NOT recyclable and should be thrown into the trash - gift wrap, ribbons, bows, any type of packing Styrofoam, bubble wrap, cellophane or plastic wrap; old toys; Christmas tree lights and ornaments.

- If you received new electronics for Christmas and are getting rid of old, E-waste must be placed at the curb as a bulk item on the first week of each calendar month on your regular trash day. This includes all electronics.

- When you are ready to get rid of your real Christmas tree, please strip it of any ornaments and lights and place it at the curb with your regular trash.

Attached is the general recycling flyer produced by the city's sanitation department for reference, not only for Christmas, but throughout the year.

Thank you and have a Happy New Year!