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City of Portage Community Spotlight: Community Crossings Matching Grant

City of Portage Community Spotlight: Community Crossings Matching Grant

Each Sunday we will feature a project going on within the city, happenings within a department or someone who works hard to provide services to the community. This week we take a look at the Community Crossings Matching Grant and upcoming paving projects funded through the grant.

Snow may still be covering the ground, but it isn't too early to think about spring. With the change of the season will come paving projects funded through the state Community Crossings Matching Grant program and the city.

The program provides funding through the state at a 50/50 match. The city funds 50 percent of the project.

Usually municipalities apply for one Community Crossings Matching Grant each year, but 2020 was unusual in another way. Because of COVID-19, the state allowed municipalities to apply for a second round of funding last year. Portage received a matching grant of $330,000.

That's on top of the $1 million Portage received earlier in 2020 which allowed the city to complete projects on Swanson Road, between U.S. 6 and County Road 700 North; Boulder Avenue, between Hickory and Oakwood streets and two sections of Dombey Road.

Director of Community Planning and Development A.J. Monroe said the second round of the grant will allow the city to pave Swanson Road, from U.S. 20 to Central Avenue; a small section of Carnation Street in Swanson North subdivision; Central Avenue between Willowcreek Road and Poplar; Lute Road between Swanson and the bridge over Willow Creek and Aspen between Swanson and Willowdale roads.

The city's matching portion for the project will come from the Wheel Tax supplemented by funding from the Motor Vehicle Highway fund.

Monroe anticipates the projects will get underway sometime in the spring.

The city also recently turned in its application for the 2021 Community Crossings Matching Grant and is seeking another $1 million from the state. If the grant is approved, the city will be able to complete $2 million in paving using the city's match.

If the city receives the grant, it will be used for pavement, ribbon curbs and sidewalks on the east side of Hamstrom Road from Portage Avenue to East Main Street; pavement, sidewalks and curbing on McCool Road from Portage Avenue to Lenburg Road; repaving of McCool Road from Lenburg Road to Central Avenue and paving of several streets in the Myers Elementary School neighborhood, including Willowdale Road from Stone Avenue to Aspen.

Monroe said the city should hear if they received the grant in early spring. If approved, those projects will begin this summer.