Home»Entertainment»Cuisine»Chili Cook-Off to Raise Funds for the Lupus Foundation of America

Chili Cook-Off to Raise Funds for the Lupus Foundation of America

Chili-Cook-OffThe Merrillvile HS Key Club and Lupus Foundation of America will host their annual chili cook-off on Saturday, March 10th, 2012. from 3-6 PM at MHS. Please enter through Entrance J.

Tickets are $5 to sample the 20 contestants chili recipes. Also on tap are our panel of celebrity judges led by Phil Potempa of the Times, appearances by Rusty the Railcat and Chick-Fil-A cow, face painting, a clown, DJ, concessions, bake sale, and an auction. All proceeds go towards education and funding for the LFA.

If you would like to participate as a contestant or attend the event, please contact Carrie Bedwell at cbedwell@mvsc.k12.in.us or at 650.5307, ext. 7115. Merrillville HS is located at 276 E. 68th Place in Merrillville.