Home»Other»Chief’s Email – Residential Entries- Swanson & 700 N area

Chief’s Email – Residential Entries- Swanson & 700 N area

We need your help. Walmart-suspect

I had planned to send an email out next week which touches on various topics and although I still plan to do so, I wanted to get this one out tonight.

This morning we had a what appears to be a rash of attempted and actual residential entries in Portage. The picture that I have attached is of a female who we believe attempted to utilize a credit card that was taken in one of the burglaries. She may have been accompanied by a black male and it is possible that she/they departed the stores lot in a white colored 2 door vehicle.

Here is what we know at this time---

At approximately 5am today a resident residing on Vanessa Street in Portage awoke to find that someone had entered the residence during the night and had stolen a television and a purse. The credit card from that purse is tied to the woman in the attached photograph. There were several sets of footprints located at the scene so we are likely dealing with multiple subjects.

Later in the morning we heard from 3 residents on Ardmore and 1 resident on 700 North that someone had attempted entry into their residences during the evening as well. As I was gathering this information, we were in the process of taking yet another report of a theft from a residence on Appledown, at this time I do not have any additional details regarding that incident.

All of these residences are in the same general area of our city, but that does not mean that only residents in that area need to be watchful. Based upon some information that was developed, it is very possible that these subjects may not be from Portage, so please do not view this as only a concern to those who reside in Portage. Wherever you call home, make it a practice to lock up and watch out for things that do not look right. Burglars will look for the path of least resistance, if your doors and windows are locked then they may well pass and go on to another location.

Make it hard to be a victim!

Other than tearing a screen or two to see if the window was unlocked, these subjects did not break into the residences. They looked for open doors and windows to make their entry so double check your entry points tonight and make sure everything that needs to be locked is locked. Let’s also be aware of strange vehicles and people in our neighborhoods that do not belong there.

By now most of you know the drill, if it does not appear right, it probably is not right. Call the police and let us figure it out, that is what we get paid to do.

Contact Us!

  • Emergency - "911"
  • Routine Business - (219) 762-3122
  • STOP Team - (219) 764-5676
  • We Tip Line- 1 - 800 - 78 - CRIME
  • Text 847411 then enter PPDTIP

I also wish to welcome several new subscribers from McColly Realty! We are happy to have you with us and certainly we encourage you to invite your friends and relatives to sign up as well. We currently send out The Chief’s Email to folks in 8 states and we are always happy to add more to the list. All of you are encouraged to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise.