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Chief’s Email – Cops for a Cure

Only 1 topic today, but it is one of great importance. The logo you see displayed was designed by our very own Detective Corporal Janis Regnier,cops-for-cure she has a talent for such things and I think you will agree that she did a great job. The design and a non for profit entity was established just a few weeks ago when we learned that one of our officers, Flora Akers, had been diagnosed with breast cancer. As you might imagine, the news was devastating and of course all of us rallied around her and offered any and all of the support that she may need.

Flora is a tough lady and after the shock and the tears passed, I visited with her at which time she told me that she understood this was going to be a battle, it was a battle she would win and impressively, one that she wanted to share with others. It is Flora's hope that our "Cops For A Cure" campaign will increase breast cancer awareness which may lead to early examinations and a reduction in the mortality rate. We stand ready to support Flora in whatever needs arise and we certainly want to help her achieve her public awareness goal.

Quite a few things happened since our meeting. Flora Akers is now Flora Ryan, congratulations to her and John! She also has helped kick start our ribbon initiative, one that originally called for the placement of pink ribbons on all of our police vehicles. The ribbons display her badge number "Portage 139" on the top of the ribbon and "Fight Like A Girl" along the side. Word of our idea soon spread and as of last week, we delivered over 1,200 ribbons to police departments in Lake, La Porte and Porter Counties. We even fielded a call from the Ft. Meyers Florida Police Department! Look for them on police cars everywhere.

We also sold another 300 to the public and so we went out and ordered another 1,000 ribbons for the public. The ribbons are being sold for $5 with all profits being sent to the Susan G. Komen For A Cure. We invite you to stop in at the Portage Police Department and pick one up for your car as well, you may also pick up your ribbon at the UPS Store located at 3311 Willowcreek here in Portage.

Additionally, there isa breast cancer 5k run/walk planned for September 18th and we thank our friends at the Portage YMCA for their assistance with that event. We are offering $100 sponsorships and will place the names of all sponsors on the back of the t-shirts that will be given to all of our participants. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, send us the name in which you wish the sponsorship to read and a check made payable to Cops For A Cure. Assistant Chief Larry Jolley is spearheading the event and I invite you to contact him if you have any questions (219-762-3122). Contributions for our raffle table are also appreciated.

We know Flora will survive this, as Flora and I discussed, there is no other option. We hope you will join us as we lend our prayers and support to her in this battle.

Thank you and be safe