Well the first signs of Spring are upon us, I saw my first Robin 3 weeks ago and I have already played a round of golf! I know the snow is not over yet, but even if it snows tomorrow it likely will not last long. Another sign of Spring are all the young ladies visiting the dress shops as they prepare for Prom. I handed over a bit of change the other day for my daughter’s dress and I am sure many of you will be doing the same. Those dresses are not cheap, I feel like I paid for her dress and for part of the band! Oh well, it is her Junior Prom and there is no getting around it, that is what memories are made of.
Speaking of memories, let us take a minute with our kids this year and make sure that “Prom Memories” are good memories. Even though I know my daughter is that perfect little angel that she wants me to think she is, I also know that kids can do stupid things, I sure did my fair share in high school. Take a moment to talk about those threats out there that can turn Prom night into a nightmare, among them is the lure of alcohol. Teens and drinking do not mix and I hope if you have a son or daughter going that you take the time to talk candidly about saying no to those who might smuggle a bottle and bring it to the party.
Take a look at the video I have attached above (stop drink drive3). My friend at the Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy gave it to me and I am passing it along to you and yours. It is a powerful message, no blood or gore, still it gets the point across. The nice thing about it, the video is not just for kids, but serves as a reminder to all of us that drinking and driving simply do not mix. I am proud to report that the Portage Police Department led all agencies in Porter County last year in regards to arresting those that were found to be driving while under the influence. We are doing our part, how about all of us parents take a moment and do ours?
Citizen’s Academy Portage Police Department Begins May 26th Accepting Applications Now!
Well, it is that time of year to prepare for this year’s academy. This will mark the 4th such academy and I can tell you that all who have attended have found it to be a memorable experience. We are now accepting applications for this year’s program, but space is limited and I urge you to send in your request soon. Assistant Chief Larry Jolley will again organize the program, which will begin on Thursday May 26th and will thereafter meet each Thursday evening for 10 weeks, the final meeting will be our graduation dinner at a local eatery.
Participants have found their participation to be time well spent and at times, a very thrilling and adrenaline pumping one at that. We are going to put you in a police car and have you navigate some of the same emergency vehicle operations courses that our officers dealt with in the police academy. You will hear detectives tell of memorable investigations, as well as presentations concerning evidence collection, SWAT, hostage negotiations, undercover drug investigations and those are just a few of the topics you hear about. One of the most memorable gatherings is when we put a computer driven handgun in your hand and have you stand in front of a screen where a real life like situation unfolds. It is up to you to bring it to a successful resolve, it isn’t always so simple as you will see.
Please contact Assistant Chief Larry Jolley with any questions you may have at (219) 762-3122 or via email at ljolley@portage-in.com
Justin Reeder, Porter County Sheriff’s Department
Justin Reeder is a relatively new Deputy with the Porter County Sheriff’s Department. I served with his father, a former Porter County Deputy who worked with me on the FBI’s gang unit (GRIT) in Gary, Indiana some years back. Perhaps you have read the recent story in the newspaper about his brave actions that led to the rescue of a person who was trapped in a fire. I have learned that Justin is presently in the running for recognition for the America’s Most Wanted All Stars award in connection for that rescue. Voting runs through April 11th and all of you can cast your vote for one of our local heroes each day if you care to do so. For those who would like to support Justin, please visit http://www.amw.com/allstar/2011/nominee-detail.cfm?id=9317 and cast your vote.
I try to vote each day and I hope you will join in. Nice job Justin!
SCAMMERS – Charity Donations
My heart goes out to those in Japan who have recently experienced such devastation. They need our help and while many of us might want to help, the question is how to do so? I was sent a site that may help - http://www.charitynavigator.org/ Attorney General Greg Zoeller has urged the public to verify before donating so that you are not scammed and your donation reaches its intended recipients. Consider donating to established organizations that you are familiar with rather than the ones that magically appear in the wake of a disaster and consider initiating the donation yourself rather than responding to a solicitation that appears in your email. Of course the website I have provided above is a good way to double check as well. Any donation of money to a website should have an address that begins with “https”, this indicates that it is a secure site and better protects your VISA or Master Card number.
Mayor Velazquez recently sent me an email she had received concerning SCAMMERS in which we are reminded that some con-artists may even pretend to be employed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other government agencies. If you are contacted in person, ask for their identification, if they do not have any then believe me, they are not who they say they are. Anyone can make up a wind breaker that says POLICE or FEMA on it, ask to see the identification if you have any doubt. That identification will have a photograph of the person standing before you.
Further questions concerning various scams can be found at http://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/2336.htm - take a peek, it takes only a minute and may save you from being a victim.
Speaking of FEMA, an associate of mine in the banking business recently sent me a checklist that her bank uses as a go by in the event of an emergency. Of course bad things never happen to us, just other folks, still you might want to take a look at this one as well. I have attached it or you can visit FEMA at http://plymouthmn.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=6486 and see what else they have. It serves as a good reminder of things to think about, tornado season is approaching, not a bad reminder of things you may want to have on hand!
Sexual Offenders
Someone was just talking the other day about gaining some information about where convicted sexual offenders reside. Regardless of where you live, that information is public and is available to you. If you reside in Indiana, then I suggest you visit www.insor.org and you can query every county in the State of Indiana.
Every year I try to attend a CPR course, just in case. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be at scene where someone is about to die and I could have perhaps saved them if I had only known what to do. The Portage Fire Department has offered the course in the past and I know that other groups do as well. If you ever have an opportunity to do so, please consider spending a few hours and learning this very easy technique that someday may save a life. Doing something is better than doing nothing and if you take a look at the CPR document I have attached, you will find that if all you can do is push on the chest, that action gets the blood moving and helps reduce the chance of brain death. The attachment was submitted to all of us at the police department by our own Sergeant Joe Mokol, himself the recipient of a lifesaving award and I thank him for taking the time to get it in our hands….now it is in your hands.
That is it for now, remember if it does not look right, chances are that it is not right. Call the police and let us figure it out, that is what we get paid to do!
Contact Us!
- Emergency - "911"
- Routine Business - (219) 762-3122
- STOP Team - (219) 764-5676
- We Tip Line- 1 - 800 - 78 - CRIME