Home»Other»Chief’s Email – Cell Phone Safety, New Laws, and Recycling

Chief’s Email – Cell Phone Safety, New Laws, and Recycling

Chiefs-Email-Cell-PhoneNo, it of course is not my new cell phone, but minus the dial pad, it does look a lot like it. When my beloved “Razor” had its fill of being dropped and splashed by water and coffee, I began my search for its replacement. It took me forever to find something that I felt comfortable with, I even tried one of those “smart phones”, which when placed in my hands became an oxymoron. Remember, I have openly admitted that I was raised in the age of black and white televisions, 8 Track Tapes, Jiffy Pop Popcorn and all the other gadgets that today’s kids have no idea of what I speak of. Still, even the basic non smart phone that I now carry, is capable of doing much more than taking and placing telephone calls. Like the most expensive versions on the market, my new basic phone shares a trait that all cell phones have and that is what we refer to as Geo Tracking capabilities or “GPS”.

What does that mean to you? Well we could spend hours talking about what your telephone can do for you, but I would like to spend just a minute to tell you what your telephone can DO TO YOU! During a recent stop at my bank I was talking to one of the young ladies who works there when she asked me about a threat she learned of concerning the ability by strangers to lock on to photographs that we post on the Internet. She had heard that it was possible to learn of the location at which these photographs were taken…. I had never heard of that!

Guess what, I did some research and she was right!

I have since passed that story on to many folks who are just astonished to learn that given the correct software, which is easily obtained as a browser add on, one can visit a social Internet site and lock on to the photograph of, say, your child. They then can determine where the photograph was taken, such as the address of your kids school, the park they play in or the house they live in! Sometimes we are too smart for our own good, technology is great, but it at times can come with quite a cost.

If you have a smart phone and you are taking photos with it and posting it to your networking sites, I strongly suggest you watch the YouTube video I have attached below and learn how to disable that feature from your phone. You will be amazed by the possible threat your smart phone poses.

New Laws on the Books!

Chiefs-Email-Bath-SaltsPorter County Prosecutor Brian Gensel sent over a listing of the new laws that went into effect as of July 1st and while there are several changes, I thought I would pass 2 of the more common changes that are likely to impact upon your life.

Let’s begin by continuing with telephones, specifically cellular telephones and I mean all cell phones, not just those fancy smart phones. A new section of the Indiana Code now precludes one from texting while driving a vehicle. That includes typing a message or an electronic mail message, transmitting a test message or an electronic mail message or reading a text or electronic mail message while operating a moving motor vehicle, unless your device is used in conjunction with hands free or voice generated technology or unless it is used to contact 911 to report a bona fide emergency.

The other change that you should be happy to learn of is that the Indiana General Assembly has criminalized the possession and the sale of what The Chief’s Email has previously warned you of, those designer drugs, if you will, that have been seen on the shelves of our local shops and ingested by our kids, all at great risk to their health and well-being. I am speaking of Salvia, the synthetic cannabinoids known as “K2” and “Spice” and the so called “Bath Salts”. All of these items have been created to mimic the effects of illegal drugs such as LSD, marijuana and cocaine. Previously, law enforcement could do little to deal with those that sold and used these substances; thankfully we now are in a better position to confiscate, arrest and prosecute. The violations range from misdemeanors to felony level charges.

Chiefs-Email-Recyling-SitesDrop-Off Recycling

Therese Davis from the Recycling and Waste Reduction District of Porter County, and City of Portage Councilwoman Sue Lynch stopped in the other day to alert us as to a growing issue with those that like to abuse the recycling bins that are available to all of us in Porter County. The concept is a great idea; unfortunately it only takes a few to mess up a good idea. Those that bring paints, tires, and other obviously non-recyclable items to the bins are creating a real problem for the program and I have asked our officers to pay special attention to the bins located in Portage. Please take a look at the notice they have passed along to our office and I certainly encourage any of you to contact the police if and when you see those violating and harming your recycling efforts.

Drop-Off Recycling containers are for Porter County residents only. No commercial or small business recycling permitted.


  • Boone Grove Fire Department, 319 West 550 South, Valparaiso
  • Burns Harbor Street Department, 310 Navajo Trail
  • Chesterton, 1600 Pioneer Trail (Wise Way)
  • Hebron Municipal Building, 125 N. Main St.
  • Kouts Town Garage, 406 S. Kouts. St.
  • Portage, 5962 Central Ave.
  • Valparaiso, 2168 W. U.S. 30 (Wise Way)

Accepted Materials:

  • Cardboard - Flatten all boxes
  • Paper - Magazines, junk mail, newspaper, office paper, phone books, mixed paper; bundle and place in paper bag before dropping off
  • Glass - Clear, green, or brown bottles and jars; rinse. It is no longer necessary to remove the labels.
  • Metal - Aluminum, steel and bi-metal cans ONLY
  • Plastic - #1 - 7, such as milk jugs, soda bottles, detergent containers, shampoo bottles, pill bottles; please rinse and flatten


  • Leave caps on plastic and glass bottles and jars.
  • No plastic bags. Instead, take them to recovery programs like those at WalMart and Jewel.
  • Shredded paper is acceptable, but must be contained in paper bags.
  • Aseptic packages, or waxy containers/boxes, are okay to recycle.
  • No aerosol cans.

Materials NOT Accepted:

  • Glass - No window glass, plate glass, dishes, ceramics, light bulbs or mirrors
  • Wood - No pallets or construction lumber
  • Hazardous Waste - No motor oil, paint, automotive batteries, antifreeze or liquids of any kinds
  • Plastics - No STYROFOAM, vinyl siding, swimming pool liners or children's pools
  • Metal - No scrap metal, appliances or aluminum siding
  • Household Items - No clothing, shoes or furniture
  • Vinyl siding
  • Tires

That is it for now and as always I remind you, if it does not look right, it probably is not right. Call your police department and let them figure it out, that is what they get paid to do.

Contact Us!

  • Emergency - "911"
  • Routine Business - (219) 762-3122
  • STOP Team - (219) 764-5676
  • We Tip Line- 1 - 800 - 78 - CRIME

Until next time, be safe!