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Celebrate Easter Weekend with Family Bible

Family-Bible-Church-Easter-2013Family Bible Church Will be celebrating Easter weekend with several events throughout the holiday.

The Celebration begins on Good Friday with a walk through on the events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus, called the Stations of the Cross. With an "open House" format, guests can come Friday between 6:30-8pm and thoughtfully consider the price Jesus paid to forgive us our sin.

The event will take place at the Portage High School, door F

On Sunday, March 31, 9:45am, the theme of the Worship gathering will be "Fixing a broken relationship: how God does it and how we can too" All are welcome, dress is comfortable and a nursery is available. An Easter egg hunt will follow the worship gathering.

For more information call our office at 219 763-3015 or go to our website fbcportage.org