Home»Health»Specialty»Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics offers a clear, professional alternative to braces – Invisalign

Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics offers a clear, professional alternative to braces – Invisalign

Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics offers a clear, professional alternative to braces – Invisalign

Braces are arguably the most iconic pieces of dental hardware available. They fill an important role in straightening teeth, rectifying bites, and building better smiles. However, everyone is familiar with their most visible drawback – the gleaming rows of metal on your teeth.

For teenagers, the look is common enough that most won’t stress about appearances. Adults, however, often prefer to avoid braces and their common association with adolescence. Fortunately, at Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics, there is an option for individuals looking to correct their bite while maintaining a clean and professional look: Invisalign, a custom-designed set of clear aligner trays made with a unique type of plastic.

“They’ve added so many innovations that Invisalign is to the point where it’s very comparable to what I can correct with braces,” said Dr. Matthew Nondorf. “They’re more customizable and in fact, there are certain cases where Invisalign works even better than traditional braces.”

True to the name, Invisalign trays are essentially unnoticeable to others, making them popular among a wide variety of people concerned about the aesthetics of traditional braces.

“Adults that are working often don’t want to walk into a meeting or interview with a big mouthful of braces,” Nondorf said. “But more and more often, teenagers are wanting Invisalign as an option as well.”

In the past, Invisalign was fairly limited compared to braces in regards to the type of overbite or tooth misalignment cases that the technology could correct. However, recent innovations in Invisalign engineering have dramatically increased how many patients the trays can help.

“In about 90 to 95 percent of cases I see now, I’m confident in using Invisalign to correct the issue,” Nondorf said. “For open bites or moderate overbite cases, Invisalign really excels over braces.”

The clear trays are customized to wrap around your teeth for a majority of the day, and are removed foreating or regular cleaning. The added convenience is often as attractive to patients as the aesthetics.

“Invisalign is typically more comfortable than braces,” Nondorf said. “They’re also much easier to keep clean. Those issues, along with the aesthetics, are usually the big draws to patients.”

Because Invisalign trays are so specifically customized to each patient, results can vary depending on how they were acquired. Over-the-counter options, for example, cut out the expert input that the team at Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics are able to provide.

“One of the big things that’s really wowed our patients is that digital scan we offer,” Nondorf said. “Using that, we can provide a complete visualization of what your case will look like at the end. It’s like a before and after that really showcases what Invisalign can do, and that’s just a rough draft.”

After that initial scan, Nondorf hand crafts a plan and tray design for each patient to ensure they get the best possible outcome for their case.

“Who does your Invisalign really makes a difference,” said Nondorf. “We’ve had patients come in who were extremely dissatisfied with their over-the-counter experience. There’s more to the process that just popping plastic in and out. So, make sure to find someone who is qualified to help you. Your experience will be better and your results will be better.”

To learn more about Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics, visit www.cnorthodontics.com.