Calumet College of St. Joseph (CCSJ) has been working tirelessly to complete something new, something innovative, and something much needed for today’s students. The college has finally concluded renovations to the campus’s Mary Gorman Specker Memorial Library, and it is an immense success for the school.

Keith Werosh, PHD, who came on board at CCSJ about a year ago, was given the task to not only be the new Director of Specker Library & Academic Resources Center but also to take a major role in managing the project of this build.
"Before planning renovations, faculty and students were consulted on what the new library should look like, what kind of space it should be, what kind of services we should be providing our students. The college worked with a designer who had experience in higher education and was well versed in how to make that a reality,” said Werosh.
It took about 10 months to construct the new library as many changes were made.
With shipping delays due to the pandemic, the timeline was dragged out a bit, but this was the ideal time for the university to make changes. There were more virtual classes and less people coming to the library at the time. Even still, the library staff was there to help those who did visit during construction.

“Throughout the renovation the library remained open, and we tried to ensure that the level of service remains the same, even though the library was kind of in shambles,” said Werosh.
Renovations are now complete, and the designs on paper have become a welcomed reality. Students coming back to CCSJ post-quarantine are now greeted with this pleasant and happy place just waiting to be utilized.
“It’s busy all the time in here," said Werosh. "Even on Fridays when we don’t have very many classes running, we still have students that will come in and work with their classmates on a group project or study.”
With a true emphasis on learning and collaboration, the design team and Werosh have created a unique learning environment that is really being enjoyed by all the students.

“We’re seeing quite a significant increase in the foot traffic and the utilization of the resources now that it’s a place that students want to be a part of. We’re really trying to make this a library that is not a place where you have to be quiet,” said Werosh.
Realizing that several thousand books in the library’s collection weren’t being utilized, there was a decision to remove those books to make space for what students are really needing in these modern times.
“Removing those unused books allowed us space to add rooms for collaboration," Werosh said. "Students can hop on a widescreen flat screen computer and bring up their work that they have stored in the cloud. They can work with their classmates in these semi-private rooms. They are classrooms designed for that specific purpose."
Students who visited the old facility wouldn’t have found much comfortable seating. It wasn’t a place to really decompress and enjoy between classes like it is today.

“We added in furniture that was comfortable. We didn’t have any of that before. This is now a place where students can come and actually hang out and relax and feel like they have a little bit of a respite in between classes,” Werosh said.
Technology was a huge opportunity for improvement at the Specker Memorial Library, and this opportunity was not missed in the new designs.
“A big task of this whole renovation was to really put our effort and energy into our online resources: databases, journals, eBooks, and things that libraries are really trending toward these days. We wanted to increase our computer capacity so that students can come in here and not have to wait for a computer and get the electronic resources they need,” said Werosh.
The feedback has been great. Sometimes the smallest changes create the biggest impact, like the added charging stations that are heavily used.
“They are a huge improvement, and I think it’s those details that we focused on--which were largely ignored before--that the students have pointed out that they like the most,” said Werosh.

The students also enjoy more private little nooks in various parts of the library that have been incorporated into the design.
“It seems like students have their favorite places that they like to gravitate towards, and it’s just more comfortable. We don’t want furniture that doesn’t promote lingering. We want to feel like this is an extension of the classroom,” said Werosh.
In addition to the physical changes of the space, the staff at the library has also grown and changed. Thoughtful services have been implemented into what the library offers, such as the new Student Success Center.
“We've intentionally connected the Student Success Center with the library. And so not only is it a traditional library, but it's a space where students can come and get extra help for their classes as well,” he said.
With a lot of consideration about the needs of students, the services have been reimagined entirely. More hours are open for students to seek help. Students have access to tutoring via Zoom, and they are now able to set up tutoring appointments with new software.

“They can actually set an appointment, which sounds kind of basic and ordinary, but we really didn't have that before. We want students' time to be managed effectively. I think students really appreciate the appointment setting and just the ability that they can connect with tutors in a wide variety of subject areas,” said Werosh.
The modern library is evolved, no longer a place where people are afraid to make too much noise or stay too long.
“This is how academic libraries are gravitating. It's a whole array of different services. It's not just books but is about how we can be of help to students outside of the classroom, in a number of different ways that meet our diverse learning needs. Every student has different learning needs and it's our responsibility to try to understand that and help in whichever way is most effective for them,” said Werosh.
Calumet College of St. Joseph understands what students really need. There is a true attention to service and what it can offer to help students. Learning and collaboration are being embraced wholeheartedly, and the new and improved Specker Memorial Library is a much-needed safe space where students are encouraged to thrive and grow daily.