Braces Preparation: Cavanaugh & Nondorf Provide Tips On The Procedure

Braces Preparation: Cavanaugh & Nondorf Provide Tips On The Procedure

The process of getting braces may seem nerve-racking or intimidating, but Cavanaugh & Nondorf is here to change that stigma by providing a plethora of information on how to perfectly prepare.

Before the process can begin, one must fully understand it to alleviate any pre-stress or anxiety. Note that not all procedures will be the same due to varying treatments and doctors. No matter what you decide, the journey to braces requires one to be prepared and most importantly, comfortable.

The first step usually requires a referral by your dentist. Otherwise, you can set up an appointment directly with the orthodontist. The second step is the consultation with the orthodontist; this is where the reviewing process begins for a personally designed treatment just for you.

Each mouth is different, so each treatment will be as well. For braces to work properly, a mold is taken of the teeth to create the mock up of the braces to predetermine where the brackets will be placed on each tooth.

The initial appointment for braces will be the longest of all appointments, as it includes the preparation of the teeth. The surface of the teeth are conditioned first to provide a place to cement on the brackets. The conditioning can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. The teeth are then primed for the cement, and the brackets are placed based off the positions created perfectly to fit your mouth. Once the brackets are in place, the wire is inserted into the brackets and the doors are closed into place on every tooth.

After the braces are inserted, they will likely be on your teeth for a year or longer. With that being said, a new oral hygiene routine will be put in place. The process is more complex than a regular brushing routine, as it requires a new way to brush with special toothbrushes (spindles), as well as future appointments, referred to as Adjustments.

About three to four weeks after the first initial appointment, an adjustment is required. During these, orthodontists remove the wire, bend it again, or insert a new wire mirroring the old one. Each adjustment will have a slightly stronger or different configuration than the last to keep the teeth moving to their goal placement.

On top of regular adjustments, it is important that you don’t forget about dentist appointments for deep cleaning and oral care pointers.

The last thing to remember when having braces is the dietary restrictions that come with them. These are extremely important to follow in order for a smooth and efficient braces treatment. Foods to avoid with braces are sticky or crunchy foods, as well as hard fruits. Anything that requires a large bite can be a possible threat to a bracket falling off.

Even though each person’s treatment varies, the process is almost always the same, with one focus: peace of mind. Cavanaugh & Nondorf believe that preparation is key for any procedure. For more information, visit