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Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County – Portage Youth Wins Regional Contest

Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County Member Awarded for Excellence in Photography

Sanja-Regional-ImageMakersBoys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) named Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County-Portage Unit member Sanja Kirova the Midwest Regional winner in the ImageMakers National Photography Contest for her entry in “What Moves Me – Photo Essay”. As a winner in the Midwest region, Kirova was selected to move on to the national level of competition for the 10-12 year old age group.

The ImageMakers Photography Contest categories include Culture and Tradition, Surroundings, Portrait, and What Moves Me. The competition is one component of BGCA’s technology program, Club Tech, which teaches critical technology skills to Club members age 6-18. The Club Tech program at Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County is sponsored locally by Best Buy Children’s Foundation, Power of Youth Council, ArcelorMittal and Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

Each year, approximately 15,000 Club youth from across the country participate in the ImageMakers Photography Contest. The top 112 photos are selected to compete at the regional level and 16 finalists are selected to represent BGCA as national winners.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County has been opening doors to GREAT FUTURES for Porter County’s youth since 1971. The Clubs provide high quality programs for 4,800 boys and girls in the areas of character and leadership development, educational enhancement, career preparation, health and life skills, the arts and sports, fitness and recreation.

For more information on membership, volunteer opportunities or to make a tax deductible donation to Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County, please contact your local Club, call (219) 464-7282 or visit www.bgcpoco.org. Great Futures Start HERE.