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Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s South Haven Club holds ribbon cutting ceremony for newly renovated building

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s South Haven Club holds ribbon cutting ceremony for newly renovated building

The South Haven community celebrated a special ribbon cutting event at its local Boys & Girls Club of Greater Northwest Indiana facility on Wednesday, September 18. The ceremony spotlighted the best parts of the newly renovated building and included tours for the attendees following the ribbon cutting.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana hosts South Haven Club Ribbon Cutting 2024

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana hosts South Haven Club Ribbon Cutting 2024 44 Photos
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana hosts South Haven Club Ribbon Cutting 2024Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana hosts South Haven Club Ribbon Cutting 2024Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana hosts South Haven Club Ribbon Cutting 2024Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana hosts South Haven Club Ribbon Cutting 2024

Mike Jessen, CEO of Boys & Girls Club of Greater Northwest Indiana, was ecstatic to celebrate the new South Haven Club with so many people who helped contribute to the transformation.

“We’re thrilled to be officially cutting the ribbon on this building renovation,” Jessen said. “The kids have already been here for a couple of weeks when school started. They’ve had time in the building, but we haven't yet had the opportunity to officially welcome in the community until now to show off the new facility.”

Boys & Girls Clubs of America started with four women in Hartford, Connecticut back in 1860. Seeing the evolution of this organization to hold more than 5,200 locations throughout the country in 2024 makes Jessen especially proud of the progress that’s been made over time.

South Haven’s building had seen some wear and tear in recent years with plenty of infrastructure pieces in need of repair. The new building has a fresh atmosphere that Jessen believes should last as long as the original South Haven Club did.

“This building has been around since 1982 so it's a generational project for us,” Jessen said. “Our hope through this renovation is to establish a facility in place that's safe and comfortable while serving kids for the next four decades as well.”

Jessen noted that 94% of kids reported they felt safe, 92% of kids look forward to the Club because there’s a safe adult present, and 82% of kids are confident they can make a positive difference from being a part of Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The safety of the kids is the most important part of their work, and he believes the work they’ve put into this project will continue to make that possible.

“South Haven is a unique community because it has a Valparaiso address while the kids go to Portage schools,” Jessen said. “It’s the largest unincorporated area in the state of Indiana. It hasn’t always received a lot of attention, so that makes us even more excited to reinvest in this community. The kids know this is a safe space that’s free of judgment or bullying, which some kids unfortunately experience at school. They know they are going to be accepted, and it’s exciting to see the smiles on their faces in this building.”

Portage Township Trustee Brendan Clancy believes Boys & Girls Club of Greater Northwest Indiana does a phenomenal job of being active in the community. He’s looking forward to the impact this will have on so many families in the area.

“The thing that makes this Club so important is that there’s a large population of residents in South Haven that actually utilize Boys & Girls Club,” Clancy said. “People who have to work two jobs or can’t afford certain school programs really depend on this place. What’s neat as a trustee is that I may run into some county police officers or doctors who tell stories about how they came through this Club and how important it was for them.”

South Haven Club Director Natalie Birky has seen how different people have reacted when they have seen the renovated Club for the first time as opposed to how they did in the past.

“When people first walk in, they’re amazed at how this new Club compares to the old Club,” Birky said. “It’s different, and they absolutely love it. We made additions in our programs and helped fix up some of our rooms. We’re more than a gym and an art room. We have our teen center, game rooms, homework rooms, a sensory room, and plenty of activities to always keep our kids busy and happy.”

More than 85 donors came together to make this renovation possible. Birky is pleased with how the community leaders, Club leaders, and donors have come together to create an incredible project for the youth.

“The donors are the ones who made this possible,” Birky said. “Whether they donated money or supplies, it wouldn’t be the way it is without them. They’ve helped us to create a wonderful club and we’re grateful to have a lot of supporters behind us in this community.”

For more information on the South Haven Boys & Girls Club of Greater Northwest Indiana, you can visit its website.