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Applications for funding available

Applications for 2021 funding through the City of Hammond’s Gaming Advisory are now available from the Mayor’s Office at Hammond City Hall.  

Funding is available to local not-for-profit organizations that demonstrate their project, activities, and services provide direct benefit to the citizens of Hammond.  The funds and application process are overseen by the Gaming Advisory Committee, which represents a cross section of Hammond residents and city council members.  It is chaired by Phil Taillon, Mayor’s Chief of Staff.  “Since the inception of the Gaming Advisory Committee, we have donated over $10 million to various organizations,” stated Mayor McDermott.  “These funds have provided security lights to Hammond residents, an accessible addition to a women’s shelter, support of the Tri City Special Games and excursions for seniors just to name a few projects supported over the years.”

Applications must be received by February 26, 2021 for consideration of the first round of funding in 2021.  The application process provides the advisory committee with information about the projects.   Applicants may be requested to appear before the committee to further present their proposal.  Future funding cycles, if any, will be announced at a later date.  The Committee hopes that another round of funding will occur in the fall of 2021 subject to gaming funds availability.

According to Mayor McDermott: “The process continues to demonstrate that our approach provides an equitable method of funding for not-for-profit initiatives within the City, along with demonstrating a high level of accountability to Hammond taxpayers and residents.  I knew early on in my administration that we needed to make this process as fair as possible.”  Prior to the establishment of the current process, there were no guidelines or restraints as to how gaming dollars were distributed to charities and not-for-profit organizations.  

Applications may be obtained by contacting the committee through Sharon Szany, at 219 853-6499 or by going online at www.gohammond.com.