AmeriPlex at the Port offers ample space for business and economic growth in Portage

AmeriPlex at the Port offers ample space for business and economic growth in Portage

What was once just 400 acres of land years ago on the interchange of Interstate 94 and 249 in Portage is now a major hub of community, prosperity, and economic growth for the city. AmeriPlex at the Port is one of the City’s greatest treasures, consisting of a variety of businesses for everyone and anyone, whether it be a city resident or someone simply passing through.

AmeriPlex is deemed a mixed use business park, meaning the area consists of a mixture of businesses such as commercial areas, fast-food and casual restaurants, hotels, gas stations, office spaces, manufacturing and warehouse space, and more. When walking through the front of the park, visitors are introduced to the office portion of the space. This is also where they’ll find flex buildings, or those made for light manufacturing and distribution. As they make their way through the development, they become familiar with the bigger warehouse spaces meant for truck and delivery drivers, with drive-in doors and ample space to make deliveries and easily move about as needed. 

“We're really trying to capture the biggest market and demand possible by offering the most flexible spaces throughout the development,” said Michael “Mike” Micka, partner and vice president of development for Holladay Properties.

The inspiration for AmeriPlex started in the year 2000. With Holladay Properties being an Indiana-centered company, Micka already had quarters established in South Bend and a large industrial park near the airport in Indianapolis. He saw just how quickly the Chicago market was developing and thriving, and he wanted to bring that same type of market over the state line for Northwest Indiana to experience as well. Micka then found the land site right in the heart of Portage, and the rest was history.

“We looked at similar developments that were being done in the Chicagoland area and we took that into Northwest Indiana,” Micka said. “We knew the market was going to be this close to the interchange, this close to the steel mills, this close to the border of Indiana. The location was perfect. So we took that Chicago model and mirrored it here in Northwest Indiana. Our street names are architects that were famous in Chicago. Our building names are major street names that you'll see in Chicago: Clark Building, Addison Building, McCormick Building. We're trying to really target that Chicagoland market and those Chicagoland companies, and have that familiarity here in Northwest Indiana less than 19 miles to the state line.”

Micka also stated that Indiana has different, and arguably even better, advantages for economic and business development, all the more reason to bring AmeriPlex to the Region.

“The tax climate is so much different here than in Chicago,” he said. “The quality of life, the parks, the Dunes, the school system, everything else like that is a huge part of economic development and what's driving people to Indiana.”

In addition to his position with Holladay Properties, Micka is also a board member and Treasurer for the Portage EDC. His involvement with both organizations has helped a ton when it comes to working with Ameriplex and making sure both current and prospective tenants are content with their space within the park.

“What the Portage EDC really helps with is generating the leads,” Micka said. “They have a great working relationship with the state of Indiana and Indiana economic development companies. So leads are being sent to the Portage EDC and then they will come to me. Andy Maletta (Executive Director for Portage EDC) will call me and say ‘Hey Mike, I got a call that came in looking for X amount of square footage. What do you have available?’ So it's constant communication with Andy Maletta to know what's going on in the park and what spaces are available to help him reply to those requests that he's receiving.”

AmeriPlex is open to most businesses and establishments looking for new space. The only restriction is that they’re unable to house heavy industrial companies due to zoning requirements, but Micka said that most other businesses easily fit within the necessary requirements.

For those interested in obtaining space within AmeriPlex or want to inquire about building a new development within the park, Micka recommends them to contact Holladay Properties directly and to check out the park’s website here as well. 

“The other opportunity is just to reach out directly to us,” he said. “My office is in the park. We do property management for most of the buildings within the park, so we know what's available. We know who owns the building. We know the right people to talk to if somebody's really looking for some space.”

For more information on the Portage EDC and how they help businesses within AmeriPlex at the Port and the City of Portage thrive, visit their website at