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American Teens In Crisis VII Women & Girls At Risk

Women-and-Girls-at-RiskSave the date for the American Teens in Crisis VII Women & Girls at Risk Professional Seminar on April 12, 2011, from 8 am to 4:30 pm. This seminar will be held at Strongbow Inn, located at 2405 E US Hwy 30 in Valparaiso.



Tina Marie Live!'s mission is to reveal the deadly consequences of the glamorization of premarital sex, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, cutting and other self-destructive behaviors portrayed in all entertainment mediums. Tina Marie will educate and encourage youth serving professionals to become Media Lie-Busters! This is what a few seminar participants had to say...

"I cannot tell you how happy I was to FINALLY hear someone speak the TRUTH- honestly and unedited." - A.C., CA

"All I can say is...wow! The truth hit me right between the eyes and I appreciate it so much! I know the truth now, and I'm not afraid to take a stand against the lies." - Beth, MT

Topics for this seminar include: "How pop culture makes sex look cheap." "How harmful media affects our hearts and minds." and "How each and every person can use their talents to create positive change."


Dr. Alma Golden is a general pediatrician from Temple, Texas. From 2002 to 2006, Dr. Golden served as a Presidential appointee as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (DASPA) in the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). During her term of service, Dr. Golden advised the administration on issues of adolescent pregnancy, abstinence education and family planning and was privileged to interact with multiple government agencies, foreign governments and international non-profit organizations. OPA developed "Parent's Speak Up!" and www.4parents.gov under her leadership.

Dr. Golden's professional career began as a seventh grade life-science teacher. She has practiced community pediatrics and taught pediatrics at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Before serving in Washington DC, Dr. Golden served as medical director for SAGE Advice Council, an organization for training health professionals in effective health intervention methods for adolescents to promote adolescent avoidance of sex, substances and violence.

Currently Dr. Golden serves on faculty of the Department of Pediatrics, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, with a focus on indigent pediatric services, continuing medical education, residents teaching and special projects. Dr. Golden consults with non-profit organizations to identify and strengthen effective adolescent risk avoidance program components and applies research to educational curricula. In 2009-2010, Dr. Golden served as lead consultant and writer for the SMARTool (a CDC-funded and approved project identifying effective adolescent sexual risk avoidance curricula).

Dr. Golden received her medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch, where she also received post-doctoral training in pediatrics. She enjoys writing children's books, hiking in the mountains with her husband, swimming with her many grandchildren, and serving in medical missions.

$125 per person, includes breakfast, lunch, and CEUs
$100 per person if you register before March 14th

Register here!