Home»Community»Education»Amazing Family Support at Willowcreek’s 2015 Student Art Show

Amazing Family Support at Willowcreek’s 2015 Student Art Show

Amazing_Family_Support_at_Willowcreeks_-1This year's student art show at Willowcreek Middle School featured over 120 student artworks created over the course of the 2014-15 school year. Veteran teacher,Stacy Arnold, and new middle school teacher, Gretchen Scott, worked together this year to develop 6th grade visual art curriculum and revamp 7th and 8th grade plans. All but 3 projects they embarked on this year with their students were brand new. Being the first year to offer 6th grade art at WMS, both teachers are thrilled to now have a continuous visual art education for Portage students carries students all the way through middle school with no gaps. This art show is representative of the hard work that both teachers and students have put in to obtain artistic success this year. In addition, the show featured a collection of digital artwork created in various art apps on our classroom iPads.

Portage Township Schools are one of the only school systems in the nation to have this technology 1:1 in their art rooms. Along with all the art teachers in our district, Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. Scott put the technology to good use, giving students opportunities frequently to become quality, creative digital artists and citizens. As over 70 people walked through the show, the support for the arts in our community shined. The Willowcreek art teachers enjoyed talking with families who have such a love for the arts and are extremely proud of the achievements of their students this year.