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Air One Custom Photography Turns 20 Years Old

brad-20-anniversaryBrad Cavanaugh, owner of Air One Custom Photography, celebrated 20 years of prominent business on July 20, 2015. Air One is one of the region’s most well-known photography businesses, and Cavanaugh said that what kept his cameras clicking was hard work and a thick skin.

“I’m happy and a little shocked,” Cavanaugh admitted. “The way the photography market has gone in the last decade has made times difficult for us photographers. We are able to roll with the punches and change when the market changes and change when the equipment changes. Once you have a good business base you need to get with the times.”

Cavanaugh has seen a lot of change of the last 20 years, mainly with technology. He said that has been an interesting learning experience that continues to this day.

“I started with 35mm cameras, then upgraded to medium format auto-focus cameras, then upgraded to 35 mm digital SLRs, then to medium format digital cameras,” Cavanaugh said. “So the technology has been the biggest change that I have seen over time.”

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