A world of opportunities await Goodwill South Bend, Elkhart Excel Center graduates

A world of opportunities await Goodwill South Bend, Elkhart Excel Center graduates

Mishawaka’s Vineyard Church was bustling with excitement on Monday, June 10 during Goodwill’s South Bend and Elkhart Excel Center graduation ceremony.

The Excel Center is designed to help adults receive high school diplomas and industry recognized certifications through a variety of hands-on programs, top-tier instructors, and flexible scheduling. The resources the Excel Center provides were exceptionally beneficial for Elkhart Graduate Maria Hurtado, who originally dropped out of high school as a teenager when she struggled to find the motivation to continue with her studies while also holding down a job.

“The reason why I didn’t graduate was because I felt like I couldn’t do it on my own and be responsible for myself while I was working at the age of 17,” Hurtado said. “An obstacle in my way was that I wanted to save a lot and I couldn't because I depended on my parent's pocket.”

Many of those obstacles, however, quickly vanished when Hurtado set foot into the Excel Center. While she was once hesitant about receiving a fulfilling high school education, she thoroughly enjoyed her time working towards her diploma at the Excel Center since the very first day.

“I had a great experience being a student at the Excel Center,” Hurtado said. “Since day one I have felt very welcome and important to the staff. I am very satisfied with it all because I was able to get the support I needed from everyone.”

With free childcare available and the ability to work around her busy schedule, Hurtado was able to receive the education she needed. She will also be forever thankful for the center’s team who helped cheer her on to make it all possible.

“The Excel Center was a great place to choose for school – not only did they have free childcare, but they were also very caring and had a flexible class schedule that fit right with my work schedule,” Hurtado said. “I am truly thankful for the professors I had for being so amazing and understanding while keeping me on track – I appreciate their motivation and all the support. I wanted to give a big shout-out to Stephanie, my coach because she was also great at keeping me on track and for her fabulous support.”

South Bend graduate Ashton Scott also very much appreciated his time at the Excel Center. Scott’s stepfather was often sick during his teenage years, causing Scott to spend much of his time traveling to various medical appointments and staying in hotels, all while being the primary caregiver for his younger sister. This made it nearly impossible to receive the education he so desperately wanted—until he discovered the Excel Center and realized that the school would allow him to bring his sister along as he attended class. Shortly after realizing he could come to school without having to worry about his sister, he decided to enroll.

During his time at the Excel Center, Scott took a variety of classes that provided hands-on work and experience in the fields he was interested in. What really made his time at the center complete for him, though, was his teachers, who were there to help him out every step of the way. 

“I have had some really great experiences,” Scott said. “I took two mechanics classes and I had a great instructor. I also took a welding class and I had a really great instructor there, too. All of the teachers here are really understanding and if you ever need help, they are right there.”

Scott was also able to partake in many job training activities in addition to learning the skills of the trade. By participating, Scott graduated from the Excel Center with confidence, knowing he has what it takes to make it in the working world.

“Both of them offered hands-on experiences and real-world experiences. They helped prepare us for mock interviews, which helped get us ready for real job interviews as well,” Scott said. “The Excel Center is so much different from a traditional high school. I did a lot better, and the teachers and students were all nice and worked together. I had a really good year. I am glad that I took the opportunity to be here.”

With diplomas in hand, graduates, including Hurtado and Scott, are ready to embark on successful and fulfilling careers, much thanks to the tools and resources they gained at the center. Hurtado is looking forward to taking the next step in her educational career and plans to attend college to receive her bachelor’s to one day work in human resources. Scott has high aspirations to join the working world and will eagerly jump into his job search to begin his career in either the automotive or welding industry.

No matter a student’s path or life story, Goodwill’s Excel Center is here to help students reach personal and professional goals while working towards a better future. To see how Goodwill’s Excel Center can help you achieve your goals and reach your top potential, visit its website at www.Diploma4me.com.