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A Portage Life in the Spotlight: Sandra Spacek

sandra-spacekThere isn't one way to help someone. There are a vast amount of needs that need to be met all over the world and there are people out there with different means and skill sets that are the solutions to the problems around them. Sandra Spacek, a Portage resident, has found a way to help people in her community in the most unique way which is what makes her this week's Portage Life in the Spotlight.

 Spacek was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and lived several places with her family after that. Her father was in the steel industry so they had homes all over the country because they moved with his job. This didn't hamper her childhood, though. Spacek was a vibrant child.

"I was outgoing an energetic," Spacek said. "I always liked English. I was on a swim team, youth group, and girl scouts."

Later on, Spacek made her way to Northwest Indiana and when it came time for college she attended Valparaiso University where she obtained a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. She was a stay-at-home-mom for a while and then she found an additional outlet that was rewarding just like motherhood. It's called Pick 6.

Once a month on the first Saturday at the Portage Christian Church in Portage, IN, hygiene products are given out to those in need. Individuals can come in and select six hygiene products for free. Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and other items that can be picked up during Pick 6.

"My parents live in Muncie and they saved water bottles for program called Pick 5. They would by hygiene products and fill the bottles. I thought it was a good idea," Spacek said.

Spacek wanted to eliminate the use of water bottles so she took the idea and tweaked it to what was needed in Portage. This idea came to fruition in April 2014 and 101 people made their way through the church to pick up much needed products. The next month 148 came though.

This initiative is a unique idea and it  makes sense because often expenses pile up for people and the money has to go to higher priorities like rent, bills, groceries, and medical expenses. Smaller purchases like hygiene products are often put on the bottom of the priority list or forgotten, and you don't know that you need them until they are gone. Those who run into this type of dilemma can take part in Pick 6 and get these much needed items, and have one less thing to worry about.

"I love it. I've always had a heart for people who are hurting or in need," Spacek said. "People don't realize how many people they know are struggling to get through the month. They don't talk about that upfront. They just smile and struggle through. I went through financial hardships myself so I know what they are going through. They aren't doing anything wrong, it's just that their needs are greater than the amount of money they make. This is just a little bit to help them."

If you want to donate new and unopened items call 219-252-9397 pick6pcc@gmail.com. Shampoo, conditioner, baby wash, body wash, bar soap, monetary donations are accepted.

Check out Pick 6 on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Pick6atPortageChristianChurch

In her free time, Spacek lives in Portage with her husband Dave. She's a swim coach at Munster Swim Club and she loves to spend time with her family and garden. Spacek is very excited for the future of the Pick 6 initiative.

"We are expecting it to grow because we have flyers with Northshore Health Centers and the Portage Township Trustee," Spacek said. "It feels like such a blessing to me to be able to do this."