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A Portage Life in the Spotlight: Delia Lopez

A Portage Life in the Spotlight: Delia Lopez

Some people have their entire lives planned out, while others are more spontaneous and like to figure things out as they go. Delia Lopez used to be one of those shy, quieter people who thought they had everything figured out, but since going to college Lopez has learned to be more free.. She’s a great example of a person who’s learned to embrace life and just be herself.

Lopez grew up in Portage and graduated from Portage High School in 2019. She is currently a senior studying Communications at Saint Mary’s College in South Bend. Not one to back down from a challenge, she is also working towards earning two minors, one in PR and Advertising and the other in English Literature. 

Lopez never thought she would end up studying the different things she is studying. She originally went into college as a business major, but the professors she’s met along her college journey have helped her discover her true passions. 

“My very first class at college, I had this professor, and she was so fun and crazy. She came to the first class with a kazoo in her mouth and that's how she taught for the first five minutes. I just liked that one class so much that I last minute decided to switch majors,” said Lopez. 

Similar situations inspired her to pick up PR and Advertising and English Literature—she found a professor that she loved, and they instilled the love of what they do in her. Even though she’ll be graduating in the spring, Lopez is thinking about pursuing yet another minor in Fashion simply because she and the freshman she teaches talked about how much fun they thought it would be. 

 “I teach a class with freshmen, and I was talking to the first years, and they were all saying ‘Yeah, I think I want to do the Fashion minor.’ And I was like, ‘you know what, I really want to do the fashion minor.’ I've already taken half of the classes for it, and I would only have to take maybe two more classes to get it. So, I'm like, why not?” Said Lopez. 

So much of our communication nowadays is through social media. Lopez’s favorite part of studying Communications is getting to take part in conversations about how people are portrayed in social media and what we can do to break away from its poor representation of real people. With her knowledge she hopes to change the narrative of social media. 

“Growing up we had all these unrealistic body standards. And so I think for me, it is kind of refreshing to see actual women in the media. I think it's just really important that we have these real people and real representations of all different kinds of identities in the media because if we're not exposed to it there, then where else,” said Lopez. 

When Lopez isn’t busy with school, she’s busy working—she currently has three different jobs. One of her on-campus jobs is with the Office for the Common Good where she gets to meet and help out so many different people on her campus. She loves how it makes her feel more connected to her campus community after COVID kept everyone apart for so long. 

“It’s been really fun and exciting because every time I’m at work it's something different. Sometimes I'm having to go fix a car, or I'm having to go save one of the freshman girls because she's lost, or I'm going to the grocery store, or I'm on this wild goose hunt to find a golf cart. It's just a lot of different things like that and I get to meet so many different people on my campus,” said Lopez. 

Out of everyone in the world Lopez couldn’t love her family more. Lopez is grateful to her parents for pushing her in the direction of choosing Saint Mary’s College. What may have started out as a simple joke about wanting their daughters to go to an all women’s college has turned into one of the most life-changing experiences she’s ever had. Lopez is also thankful for her younger siblings—she loves getting to be their role model and showing them that they’re capable of anything. 

Lopez truly goes to show that sometimes the best thing to do in life is let it lead you in all kinds of different directions. After college, Lopez hopes to find a public relations position somewhere in Chicago, but no matter where she lets life take her, she is sure to accomplish many wonderful things.