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A Portage Life in the Spotlight: Aaron Schmick

Schmick-1For 41 years, the Portage Junior Miss Softball league has continued to provide an entertaining way for children to learn sportsmanship, sport etiquette and team work, through the sport of softball.

Aaron Schmick has held the title of President of the league for two years now and continues to do so. Holding the title of President does not come easily.

“The title itself doesn’t really matter, the past president needed a break from the presidency and I knew I was going to be down here anyways whether it was taking care of the fields or taking care of the girls so I figured I’d fill the vacancy,” Schmick said.

Some of the responsibilities that Schmick has to uphold are to schedule 144 games and practices, and follow federal and local regulations to make sure that PJM is a safe environment. Other actions that Schmick is responsible for are maintaining PJM’s nonprofit status, keeping a treasure’s report and looking over everything overall to make sure every detail is leading Portage Junior Miss into the right direction.

“It doesn’t matter which position someone holds; we all chip in and we all do whatever needs to be done down here,” Schmick said.

Schmick has been involved with the PJM league for seven years coaching and being a board member.

“Some of the goals and ambitions that we have here at PJM are to continue growing in numbers, learning and to work well with neighboring communities,” Schmick said.

Another set of goals and ambitions Schmick has is solely for the girls playing PJM softball.

“I hope their experience here is remembered as great times with great friends and great games," he said. "A lot of these players are going to spend majority of their summers here through many years, hopefully their memories are always positive with games won and games lost, good sportsmanship. That’s the key down here, for them to learn the game and have great memories playing the game."