Home»Business»Staff Development and Motivation»A (furry) Employee Spotlight: Ocoee Reeder

A (furry) Employee Spotlight: Ocoee Reeder

A (furry) Employee Spotlight: Ocoee Reeder

When you schedule an appointment or make an unplanned stop at an auto service center, chances are you need an oil change or a repair. Maybe those tires are getting a little worn and you need replacements. Perhaps you’d like to consult a mechanic about that check engine light that keeps popping up. Or maybe you’d like to visit a friendly pup while you chat with your favorite mechanic.

Wait, what was that?

Believe it or not, you read that correctly! We can’t speak for every shop, but Reeder’s Auto Service Center features some friendly four-legged friends in addition to their highly-skilled, professional staff. Because who doesn’t want a chocolate lab fur baby offering moral support while your car baby gets some much-needed attention?

Along with Eagle Reeder, Ocoee Reeder is stationed at Reeder’s Auto Service to offer his main skillsets—welcoming customers, making their days a little bit brighter, and sometimes swiping some snacks along the way.

In an intimate one-on-one interview, we learned a little bit more about Ocoee:

Tell us about your family!

My Master is Jake Reeder and he is amazing! He is so nice and drives me to work every day.

How long have you worked at Reeder’s?

Since 2012

Why do you enjoy working at Reeder’s Auto Service?

I have separation anxiety, enjoy stealing employee lunches, and napping all day.


I finished in the top of my class at obedience school and also passed the shock collar exam!

What are your hobbies?

Sleeping, eating, welcoming customers to the shop.

Can you give us a few fun facts?

I am named after a river in Tennessee known for its whitewater. I have also been sprayed three different times by a skunk.

We don’t know about you, but we feel pretty keen on paying a visit to this outstanding member of the Portage community. Even without any car trouble, Ocoee serves as a calling card for anyone who fancies a check-up on their vehicle. To learn more about the services provided at Reeder’s Auto Service Center, visit their website.