41st Annual PNC Writing Contest Winners Announced

PNC-StatueThe winners of the Purdue University North Central 41st annual Writing and Art Contest have been announced by Robert Mellin, continuing lecturer of English and director of the writing contest. The winning entries are published in "Portals," the annual PNC student literary journal.

The contest judging teams included faculty, staff as well as students. The winners were honored a recent banquet on campus.

The winning entries are:

English Composition Essay: first place - "The Kindergarten Curse Word," by James Neary; second place - "Forgiveness," by Stacey Holmes; third place - "Parenting," by Sarah Nelson.

General Essay: first place - "Erikson's Stages of Development: A Personal Reflection," by Megan O'Malley; second place - "The Other in One Another," by Jeffrey Allen.

Brownbag Series on Diversity Essay: first place - "Dirty Realism and the Sugar Beet," by Jennifer Mosier

Poetry: first place - "How I Remember Us," by Alexandra Parra; second place -Eloi," by Amedeo Madrid.

Short Fiction: first place - "Zelda," by Justin M. Sech; second place - "Untitled," by Kyle A. Nole.

The John J. Pappas Literary Award: first place - "Too High a Price: Sacrifice and the Double Standard in Kate Chopin's The Awakening," by Kristen Bird-Sheldon.

Special Topic Category: first place - "The Truth about Factory Farming," by Nicole Dziadosz

Art: first place - "Albert Einstein," by Sarah Eggers.