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2014 Steak & Burger Dinner to Celebrate “Promising Futures”

2014-Steak-and-Burger-Dinner-to-celebrate-Promising-FuturesBoys & Girls Clubs of Porter County invites you to celebrate “promising futures” at the 15th Annual Steak & Burger Dinner. Reservations are now available for this signature event which will be held on October 14, 2014 at Valparaiso University’s Harre Union Ballroom.

The doors open at 5:30 p.m. Keynote remarks will be delivered by Alex Sheen, founder of “because I said I would” (http://becauseisaidiwould.com), a social movement and nonprofit dedicated to bettering humanity through promises made and kept. Sheen will inspire guests with his stories about the power of a promise.

Steak & Burger Dinner is an annual fundraising event specially designed to bring caring community leaders and Boys & Girls Clubs’ members together for a fun filled evening. Each table is shared by adults and Club members offering the opportunity for both to share stories and experiences together. At this unique dinner, Club members are served steaks and everyone else dines on burgers.

“I am honored once again to chair this year’s Steak & Burger Dinner for Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County. The event gives the community an opportunity to connect with our Club members in a very personal way. It just takes one individual to make a difference in the lives of children, and I am proud to be one of the individuals that has committed to this organization,” said Analisa Warring, Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County Board member and Steak & Burger Dinner Committee Chairperson.

“We have a dynamic speaker slated to really impact those in attendance. Plus, what’s better than eating a great burger next to a kid eating steak for the first time!”

Centier Bank and Computer Services, Inc. are proud to be the Presenting Sponsors of the 15th Annual Steak & Burger Dinner. Table sponsorship opportunities are available and range from $700 to $1500. Individual tickets are also available for $100 each.

To purchase tickets, sponsor a table at the 15th Annual Steak & Burger Dinner, please contact Alison Martin at 219-464-7282 x 226 or amartin@bgcpoco.org

For more than forty years, Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County (bgcpoco.org) enables young people to achieve GREAT futures as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Four Club sites and nine Kidstop locations throughout Porter County serves nearly 5,000 young people annually through Club membership and community outreach. Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County provides a safe place, caring adult mentors, fun, friendship, and high-impact youth development programs on a daily basis during critical non-school hours. Priority programs emphasize academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. When school is out, our Clubs are in! Learn more about membership, volunteer opportunities, or how to make a tax deductible donation to Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County by contacting your local Club at (219) 464-7282, or by visiting bgcpoco.org, facebook.com/bgcpoco, and twitter.com/bgcpoco. Great Futures Start HERE.