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#1StudentNWI: Politics and Pride at Portage High School

#1StudentNWI: Politics and Pride at Portage High School

What’s Happening
With the Presidential Election just a few days away, students are both excited and nervous to see what the country decides. Portage High School will be conducted its annual mock election to see who Portage students want in office.

Elizabeth Wysocki’s AP government and politics classes have been working to prepare for November 8th. Students have been making posters and videos in order to campaign for their favorite candidate. Wysocki has been putting together a mock election for every presidential election and allows her students to take the lead.

Each day in class, the students have been coming up with ideas in order to maximize the amount of students who participate in the election, along with how to campaign for the candidates. Students are also spending time decorated Wysocki’s door and created an “Election Central” selfie board that allows students to take photos with their favorite candidate and tweet out who they voted for.

Portage-1Student-November-2016_02In the spring, the school was able to do a mock primary on the same day as the Indiana primaries. Donald Trump was the school’s Republican nominee and Bernie Sanders was the Democratic nominee.

Students are excited to have their voice heard, even if it just at a school level. Senior Becca Wireman thinks this is a good way for the students to learn about how elections work and have a voice.

“I’m really excited for the school to vote actually,” Wireman said. “So many students have opinions about elections, but don’t get a chance to actually to express how they feel about this election. I’m able to vote, but I know a lot of kids who are passionate about politics who can’t.”

Portage-1Student-November-2016_03Along with putting together a mock election for students, Wysocki also encourages students to vote on a daily basis and made sure students had ways to register to vote.

“I’m excited to see how this mock election turns out, just as much am I to see the outcome of the real election.” Wireman said.

Portage-1Student-November-2016_04Student in the Spotlight
Senior Shayne Devine can oftentimes be found on the baseball field, but during the fall and the winter, he is most likely leading the student section in a cheer. Devine is this year’s student section leader and, with that title comes a lot more responsibility and fun than he was expecting.

Devine makes sure that he attends every game he can for football and basketball in order to rally the school together to cheer on the Indians.

“I was asked to lead the student section by a junior, Alex Bourge, and I instantly said yes,” Devine said. “I mean, typically it’s always a baseball player who leads and I was just excited that it could be me.”

Devine leads the school with cheers to help create positive energy at games. Along with supporting the football and basketball teams, Devine always makes sure that the student section gives support to the dance team, cheerleading team, and the marching band along with the sports teams. Devine is the one who chooses all the themes for games after receiving ideas from the student body. He also makes sure the student section has a place to sit and that every member of the student section follows the rules.

“It can be difficult sometimes. People don’t always listen, but every game is worth going to,” Devine said. “If there’s a chance that I’m helping the team, then it’s awesome.”

Along with being a member of the baseball team and student section leader, Shayne is also a staff leader for Natural Helpers. Devine balances his extracurriculars, because he does not see them as chores.

“I love going to the games as much as I love being on the field,” Devine said. “Every role I play in the school is important to me and I would not give up any of it unless I really had to.”