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10 Fun Things To Do This Weekend in Northwest Indiana: Firefighters Ball, Blues Project, Pancake Day, and Vegas Fundraiser

Each week we will be bringing you 10 fun things to do in Northwest Indiana over the weekend, so you are never without something to do!

Fire and Ice the Theme at This Year's Firefighters Ball
The South Haven Fire Department is hosting their 8th annual Firefighters Ball, Fire and Ice, on Saturday, March 10, 2012. Support the department as they raise money for their volunteer efforts! The ball will be held at Duneland Falls, with a cocktail hour beginning at 6 pm, followed by dinner at 7 pm. Dancing, an open bar, and an award ceremony will also be featured during the evening.

Join Us as We Celebrate an Innovation in Emergency Care
An open house will be held for the new Chesterton Health & Emergency Center. Come and tour the facility - designed for an exceptional patient experience and dedicated to meeting the round-the-clock health needs of your vibrant community. Also, meet Chicago Hall of Famer Dan Hampton from 1 - 4 p.m.! Health screenings, refreshments, raffles and giveaways available.

Heroes of the Blues Celebrated at This Year's Blues Project
The 6th Annual Ben Franklin Blues Project will be held this Saturday, March 10, 2012, in the Valparaiso High School Auditorium. If you've never attended a Blues Project before, this should be your year to go! Bring your friends, bring your family, and be prepared to get your socks rocked off by Ben Franklin Middle School students and teachers, playing songs of the Heroes of the Blues.

Fiesta Folklorico 2012 Set for March 10
The Ballet FolkloricoTapatio of NWI is proud to present Fiesta Folklorico 2012. The event will take place Saturday, March 10 at 7:00pm at the Portage High School West Auditorium.In addition to the group’s first performance in full costumes, the event will include a performance by the Mexican Folkloric Dance Company of Chicago. Fast costume changes, ringing music and festive dancing have characterized the Company's performances for almost three decades. An extensive repertoire presented in lavish costumes, worn by young, energetic dancers make MFDC's program an exciting, colorful, and educational experience.

Vale Park Animal Hospital Supporting Relay for Life
This weekend, the hospital will host the monthly fundraising nail trim, as part of their effort to raise money for the fight against cancer. On Saturday, March 10, $5 toe nail trims and $8 Dremmel toe nail trims will be given from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, with proceeds benefiting Relay for Life!

Noon Kiwanis Host Popular Pancake Day
For over 50 years, the Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis Club has hosted the popular Annual Kiwanis Pancake Day scheduled this year on Saturday, March 10, from 6 am to 1 pm at the Valparaiso High School cafeteria. Every year over 2,500 people look forward to the “all you can eat” event. In addition to pancakes, attendees are treated to an endless supply of tasty sausage, juice and coffee. And that is only the beginning: there are drawings for early bird prizes for those who arrive between 6 to 9 am, and Kiwanis provides a kid’s play area with face painting, cotton candy and live entertainment.

Denim and Diamonds Gala This Weekend
The 20th Annual Denim and Diamonds Gala will be held Friday, March 9. The night will feature elegant hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, silent and live auctions using new “bid-by-text” technology, music and dancing. Dress is casual with an elegant twist – jeans are encouraged, diamonds are welcome! Since the first Gala held in 1993, the event has raised over $900,000 to support OE’s programs and services.

Chicago Street Theatre Plans Vegas-Themed Fundraiser
“Vegas, Baby!” is the theme for Chicago Street Theatre’s 15th Annual Encores fundraiser, to be held March 9-10. On Friday, March 9, there will be a party-like atmosphere with food, music, casino games like blackjack, roulette, poker, and craps, and a live auction. Admission is $25 with an optional $20 buy-in for chips. On Saturday, March 10, guests will be pampered with a seated meal, a live musical revue featuring Vegas songs from the Rat Pack era, and dancing. A silent auction is planned. Cost is $100 per person.

Try New Tastes at Don Quijote's Annual Wild Game Dinner!
Treat your tastebuds to unique flavors at the 26th Annual Wild Game Dinner Buffet at Don Quijote! For one day only, Sunday, March 11, 2012, they will host a dinner featuring over 30 dishes, from buffalo to venison, rabbit, wild boar, duck, turtle, squid, and so much more!

Hit a Strike at the 23rd Annual Bowl-A-Thon
Don’t miss out on this exciting event which at the same time will help families in our community. The Portage Township YMCA is planning their 23rd Annual Bowl-A-Thon for March 11, 2012 at noon at Camelot Bowl in Portage. Money raised will be applied to the YMCA’s Youth Scholarship Fund which helps provide financial assistance to families in need to participate in programs and services at the Portage Township YMCA.

More events can be found on our event calendar! Want to submit your own event? Click here to do so or send us an email at share@portagelife.com!