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Energy Efficiency Rebate Program – Insulation & Duct Sealing

Insulation-Sealing-RebatesWe're offering rebates for our residential natural gas and/or electric customers. You may be eligible for up to $450 in rebates for insulating your walls and attic or sealing your ductwork.

  • Insulation and duct sealing must be installed by a program-approved Participating Contractor and meet the program requirements listed in the table below.
  • Rebates available for qualified home improvements installed between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013.
  • Rebate offers are subject to change - please check this webpage for updates. Rebate funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


How the program works:

1. Find a contractor. To get started, click one of the links below to download a list of Participating Contractors.


2. Call to set up a free estimate. Once you’ve identified a Participating Contractor in your area, give them a call to schedule a consulation. Contractors offering free estimates are noted in the lists linked above.

3. Print an application. Download and print this PDF – the Participating Contractor will help you fill it out. Once the installation is complete, your rebate application and invoice(s) must be postmarked within 60 days of installation.

Do I qualify?

Rebates are available for NIPSCO residential natural gas and/or residential electric customers, and the location of installed home improvements must have active NIPSCO service. Insulation and duct sealing must meet the installation requirements listed in the table below.


We’re here to help! Contact the Energy Efficiency Rebate Program administrator at (800) 721-7385.

Rebates for Natural Gas and/or Electric Customers:

Improvement Installation Requirements Rebate Amount
Attic Insulation 1. R-value of previously existing attic insulation must be less than R-8; 2. R-value greater than 38 upon installation of attic insulation; 3. Work must be completed by a program-approved contractor 40% of cost, up to $450
Wall Insulation & Insulation for Enclosed Ceiling Cavities 1. R-value or previously existing insulation must be less than R-5; 2. R-value greater than 13 upon installation of wall/enclosed ceiling insulation; 3. Work must be completed by a program-approved contractor 40% of cost, up to $450
Duct Sealing 1. Majority of duct system must be located outside conditioned space, with no more than 40% located within the conditioned space of the house; 2. Work must be completed by a program-approved contractor 100% of cost, up to $400

• R-Value is a measure of insulation’s ability to resist heat traveling through it. The higher the R-Value the better the thermal performance of the insulation.