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Spring 2013 Youth Programs at the Portage Library

Portage-Public-LibraryThe following is a list of upcoming library programs for children at the Portage Public Library.

Baby Time
Fridays, March 8 & 22, April 5 & 19 @10am
Baby Time is an interactive storytime for children birth to 2 years and their caregivers. This program is designed to let caregivers share books, rhymes and tickles with their little one. Open playtime follows each program. Baby Time is free but registration is required. Siblings are welcome.

March 11
Registration begins for spring story times
Toddler Time for ages 2 1/2-3: Thursdays March 28th- April 18 at 10 OR 11am
Story Time for ages 4-5:Tuesdays March 26th- April 16 at 10:30am

Spring Break Book Bingo
Play Bingo to win books for children in 1st- 5th grade
March 25th at 10:30 am
Free but registration is required. 763-6546

Lego Club
Saturdays March 16, and April 27 @ 10:30
We supply the Legos, you supply the creativity! Build a unique Lego creation that will be put on display in the Youth Services department. Free!
Registration is requested but not required. 763-6546

Game Night
Every Thursday (except April 4th)
Open time from 6:00-8:00pm
For children in grades 3rd-6th
Come out for a night of fun at the Library. We have many games to choose from, Yatzee, Uno, Sequence and Life just to mention a few. Feel free to bring a board game from home that you would like to share.
Free! Registration is requested but not required. 763-6546

Movies @the Library
Saturday April 13 at 11 am
Fun for the whole family! Bring your own snacks & pillows. No registration is required. Parents must attend with child.

Mother's Day Craft
For children already in K -2nd grade.
May 11, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Cost $1.00 due at registration. Registration starts April 8