Hannah’s Hope, a local charity based in Portage that donates money to organizations that help families of children with Neurobiological disorders, raised over $18,000 in their 3rd annual golf outing held at The Brassie Golf Club in Chesterton on Saturday. Over 140 golfers partook in the event, filling it to the max for the second year in a row.
Hannah’s Hope was started two years ago by Mike and Mary Martinez after their daughter Hannah was diagnosed from suffering from prenatal strokes. Hannah’s Hope aims to donate money to organizations like NWI First Steps and Children’s Neurobiological Solutions. Since starting, Hannah’s Hope has raised close to $60,000 to help these organizations provide services to affected children and their families.
In the past Hannah's Hope has held many different events in addition to the golf outings to raise money including a Zumbathon which they expect to continue anually.
This year’s golf outing was widely successful, selling out for the second year in a row. Their first year came very close to selling out, being short by just a few golfers. The event also held a lunch for people who did not want to golf but wanted to give to Hannah’s Hope. Both the golfers and lunch eaters had the opportunity to bid on tables full of items for the silent auction. Between the lunch, auctions and golfing, Hannah’s Hope raised over $18,000.
“This outing is different than most, it is not a corporate outing,” Hannah’s Hope founder Mike Martinez said “You get a lot of family and friends to come out and have a good time.”
Hannah’s Hope will also be holding their vendor fair on November 17, 2012 at Ambassador Banquets in Hobart. The event will be free admission.
The motto of Hannah’s Hope is “Helping Hannah Help Others”. All the donations are made in Hannah’s name to the organizations that Hannah’s Hope donates to.
“I cannot tell you how happy we are to have a three year old make a difference in other kid’s lives,” Martinez said “My main concern isn’t raising the money. It is getting people out here to help Hannah give back to the people that have helped her.”
Mike and Mary did not do it all by themselves at the outing. Dozens of volunteers showed up to help out at the event including members of the Portage High School Girls Basketball team, which Mike is the PA Announcer for during Basketball season.
“It is a good cause and Mike always helps us, so I want to help him” PHS Student and Girls Basketball Player Alyssa Tampier said.
The golf outing is expected to continue next year and for years to come so Hannah can continue to help others.
For more information on Hannah’s Hope visit their website, www.hannahshope.org or on Facebook!
To help out at an event or to donate to Hannah’s Hope email them at info@hannahshope.org.
All photos provided by Lucy Liz Images, www.lucylizimages.com.