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All You Can Eat For Charity

NICK-LogoThe Schererville Lions Club will be hosting their annual all you can eat pancake breakfast at Immanuel Presbyterian Church located at 140 W. U.S Highway 30 in Schererville, Ind. from 7 a.m. until 12 p.m. on Sunday, April 29, 2012.

All of the proceeds from the pancake breakfast will be donated to the Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids Foundation.

The NICK Foundation provides assistance and counsel to families in Northwest Indiana and surrounding areas affected by childhood cancers.

Co- founder of the NICK Foundation Donna Criner said, “We are so appreciative, the funds donated from this event will helps us to continue helping our families."

Criner believes that the success of any fundraiser held on the behalf of her foundation makes a difference in the lives of many families in the area whose children have been affected by cancer.

The Lions Club International publically proclaims, “As Lions, our goal is to make a difference and we have over and over again.”

Criner said, “Having a child with cancer is not just emotionally devastating for a family but financially also. We are trying to do more to help them because there are so many more expenses they face than hospital care.”

The pancake breakfast fundraising event is held yearly and has been attended by several hundred community members.

Attendees of the event will be provided with a full breakfast. The all you can eat meal will include pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, juice and milk.

Admission to the event is free for children under the age of 5. The cost is $3.00 for children between the ages of 5 and twelve and $6.00 for adults to attend.

The event will also offer placemat advertisement opportunities to local business owners and organizations. The cost to contribute as a placemat sponsor is $25.

The Lions Club International is the largest service organization in the world whose members strive to meet the needs of the local communities in which they serve. More information on this benefit can be obtained by contacting the events coordinator at 219-322-2551.