Unemployed Hoosiers who are finishing their first 26 weeks of regular state unemployment insurance and moving to federally funded extended benefits will now be required to go to WorkOne for an in-person review of their work search records. The new in-person review is part of the federal law Congress passed in February reauthorizing the federally funded extended benefits through the end of the year.
Reviews will also be required for those transitioning from the first round of federal benefits to the second if they have not previously participated. Those who have already completed the review will not have to go again. Anyone who fails to comply risks losing their unemployment insurance benefits.
“While the job search requirement is not new to Hoosiers, the in-person visit offers the opportunity to get one-on-one personal attention from our professional re-employment staff,” said Mark W. Everson, Commissioner of the Department of Workforce Development. “Our staff will be able to provide insight on how to improve job search techniques and introduce clients to all of the services WorkOne offers.”
All unemployment insurance recipients must report three places they looked for work each week, but only those who receive a notice are required to go to WorkOne. In April, Hoosiers will begin receiving notices in the mail. Unemployment insurance recipients should make sure their address is up-to-date in Uplink, Indiana’s online unemployment insurance filing system, to ensure they get the notice.