Home»Features»10 Fun Things to Do in Northern Indiana»10 Fun Things To Do This Weekend in Northwest Indiana: Senior Prom, Day of Dance, Band Concerts, and Relay for Life Fundraiser

10 Fun Things To Do This Weekend in Northwest Indiana: Senior Prom, Day of Dance, Band Concerts, and Relay for Life Fundraiser

Each week we will be bringing you 10 fun things to do in Northwest Indiana over the weekend, so you are never without something to do!

Memorial Service for Student Killed in Afghanistan
A memorial service will be held for Chris Patterson, a Valparaiso University sophomore who was killed in action in Afghanistan on Sunday, February 12 in the Chapel of the Resurrection. Patterson was a music education major who took leave from his studies at the University this fall to serve in Afghanistan with his Indiana Army National Guard unit based out of Valparaiso.The special memorial service will last approximately 90 minutes, and will include remembrances by fellow students and remarks from President Heckler. Attendees are encouraged to wear red in honor of the service of Patterson and all who have given their lives in service to their country, and to recognize the men and women of the armed forces.

1st Annual Valentines Day Prom for Seniors
Rittenhouse Senior Living of Portage will be hosting their first annual Valentines Day Prom for Seniors. This event will take place on Friday, February 10th at 3:00 in the afternoon. Residents from Rittenhouse as well as seniors from the community will enjoy music, dancing, pictures under our balloon arch, and hors d’ oeuvres with a Valentines Day theme. For most residents this is their first Prom that they have ever attended and they are very much looking forward to the event.

Day of Dance - For Your Health
Franciscan Alliance is hosting their Spirit of Women Day of Dance for Your Health on Sunday, February 12, 2012. Join them at the Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza from 1 pm to 5 pm for dance demonstrations, health screenings, vendor's bazaar, raffles, and hors d'oeuvres!

IU Health La Porte Hospital Offers Public Heartsaver® First Aid Course
Indiana University La Porte Hospital will offer the Heartsaver® First Aid course with CPR and AED on Saturday, Feb. 11 from 8 am to 3 pm. The course is based on the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, offering training on how to perform CPR on adults, children and infants as well as how to use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and basic first aid techniques, including bandaging, splinting and environmental emergencies. Participants will receive a two-year certification from the AHA upon successful completion of the class.

2012 Winter Band Festival Concerts
The Valparaiso High School Bands will be hosting their winter concerts February 11 and 12. The VHS "B" Band will partner with the Valparaiso University Luce Concert Band on Saturday, February 11 in the first time the two have combined forces for a concert. The concert will pay tribute to John Williams. On Sunday, February 12, the VHS "A" and Concert Bands will perform a concert of band classics.

Dads, Take Your Daughters Dancing!
Don’t miss out on the 2012 Daddy/Daughter Dance sponsored by the Portage Parks & Recreation Department. The fee is $35 per couple; add $15 for each additional child. Dinner, beverages, a corsage and music are all included in the price. Portrait photos will be available for an additional charge.

Vale Park Animal Hospital Supporting Relay for Life
Vale Park Animal Hospital is once again supporting Relay for Life! Once a month, the hospital will host fundraising nail trims to help raise money for the fight against cancer! February's nail trim will be held Saturday, the 11 th, from 3 to 5 pm.

PNC American Sign Language Club Coffeehouse
The Purdue University North Central American Sign Language Club will host an ASL Coffeehouse on Friday Feb, 10, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Cornucopia Coffee Company. The event is open to ASL students as well as community members and children are welcome to attend with a parent or adult. This is a pleasant, casual event for all to enjoy through participation or as an observer.

College Goal Sunday
College Goal Sunday is a program that helps college-bound students and their families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). College Goal Sunday provides on-site help from financial aid experts.

Take the Date Night Challenge!
Reinvent your date night and strengthen your marriage by taking the DATE NIGHT CHALLENGE. Discover what "doing dating differently" can do for your relationship. Simulcast featuring Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, marriage coaches, and comedian Jeff Allen.

More events can be found on our event calendar! Want to submit your own event? Click here to do so or send us an email at share@portagelife.com!