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Come Back to Giving Blood in the New Year

RedCrossLogoRed Cross donors encouraged to make appointments

Time flies. And the start of a New Year reminds us there’s no time better than now to start a tradition or renew old acquaintances.

In the case of blood donation, that one little act of rolling up your sleeve through your American Red Cross can make a big difference to someone in need. About one in 10 people entering the hospital needs blood. And that need for blood is constant, every minute of every day.

While the need for blood is always there, blood donors sometimes aren’t,” said Sharyn Whitman, CEO for the Indiana-Ohio Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross. “Every day life can get in the way of making and keeping appointments, and before you know it, a donor might find it’s been a while since they last came to donate.”

The Red Cross is asking blood donors to leverage the power of the New Year and make a resolution to make and keep appointments to donate blood.

We have blood drives on a variety of days, during a range of times, in and near many communities,” said Whitman. “Lots of donors find it helpful to set up two, even three appointments in advance as a way to plan and get organized.

First-time donors are also encouraged to make appointments, too, and to donate with a friend, family member or co-worker who may or may not have given blood before. Red Cross officials say more than 30 percent of people who give through the Red Cross are donating for the first time, with many resolving to come back again to join a lifesaving cause.

Blood donors help provide the gift of life for patients undergoing surgeries, battling with cancer, or fighting to survive a life-threatening accident,” said Whitman. “You can be there to help by simply resolving to give blood once, twice or up to six times a year.”

Come to donate from Dec. 1 – Jan. 31 and be entered into a region-wide drawing for a $1,000 Visa gift card.


  • Monday, Jan. 16, from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. at St. Teresa of Avila in the Catholic Student Center, located at 1604 Lincolnway in Valparaiso.
  • Thursday Jan. 19, from noon until 6 p.m. at Valparaiso University in Harre Union Ballrooms B & C, located at 1509 Campus Drive in Valparaiso. Come to donate and be entered into a drawing for a $50 Visa card. Please go to redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code “valpo” to schedule your blood donation appointment.
  • Monday, Jan. 23, from 2:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Elementary School in the Cafeteria/Gym, located at 1052 Park Ave. in Valparaiso. This is a Pint Size Heroes blood drive.
  • Monday, Jan. 23, from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. at Valparaiso Nazarene Church, located at 2702 Glendale Ave. in Valparaiso.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 25, from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the First Christian Church in the Fellowship Hall, located at 1507 Glendale Blvd. in Valparaiso.
  • Friday, Jan. 27, from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Middle School in the Cafeteria, located at 1600 Roosevelt Road in Valparaiso. This is a Pint Size Heroes blood drive.
  • Saturday, Jan. 28, from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. at Harbor SuperStores, located at 6100 U.S. Highway 6 in Portage. Please call (219) 771-7760 to schedule your blood donation appointment.
  • Saturday, Jan. 28, from 8:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. at Walmart, located at 6087 U.S. Highway 6 in Portage.
  • Monday, Jan. 30, from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. at South Haven Elementary School in the gymnasium, located at 395 Midway Drive in Valparaiso. This is a Pint Size Heroes blood drive.
  • Monday, Jan. 30, from 12:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at Westchester Intermediate School in the Wrestling Room, located at 1050 S. Fifth St. in Chesterton. This is a Pint Size Heroes blood drive.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 31, from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at Porter Portage Hospital Campus, located at 3630 Willowcreek Road in Portage.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 31, from 2:30 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the South Haven Public Library, located at 403 West 700 North in Valparaiso.

How to Donate Blood To schedule an appointment to donate please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org for more information. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in Indiana and Ohio), meet weight and height requirements (110 pounds or more, depending on their height) and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. Please bring your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when you come to donate.

About the American Red Cross The Indiana-Ohio Blood Services Region serves northern and central Indiana and northwestern Ohio, and needs to collect about 500 units of blood a day to meet patient need in more than 60 hospitals. In addition to providing blood to our community, the American Red Cross also provides relief to victims of disaster, trains millions in lifesaving skills, serves as a communication link between U.S. military members and their families, and assists victims of international disasters or conflicts.