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Nutrition in the Fast Lane

Dairy-QueenOk, so many people have heard that my husband and I own a Dairy Queen. I love Dairy Queen. Courtney lost 112 lbs while working at the Dairy Queen!! I don’t want people to think I am a hypocrite so I wanted to talk about Fast Food at least once in my blog.

In real life, many of us live in the fast lane. When we eat out, we do not have to settle for food loaded with calories and fat and little nourishment. Fast Food CAN be a part of a healthy diet if you choose wisely.

In addition, it can provide some very good choices, but like other foods, it can also be loaded with calories, fat, cholesterol and sodium.

In general, if you need to lose weight, avoid foods that are loaded with colories, sugar and fat. High Blood Pressure? Avoid foods high in sodium or salt. Diabetic? You can control your blood sugar levels by eating on a regular schedule, not skipping meals.

All fast food restaurants should have a nutrition guide to help you make choices. I’ll only tell you about a few things I like at Dairy Queen.

  • Soft serve is only 35 calories per ounce. A small vanilla cone is around 200 calories. A perfect snack for me!
  • Fat Free, Sugar Free Fudge Bars and Orange Vanilla Bars are only 50 calories each. They are delicious.
  • Did you know that Dairy Queen will give you a banana or apple sauce in the kid’s meals instead of fries?
  • MINI BLIZZARD TIME!! LOL! Different calories for different flavors but just the right size.

You CAN make healthy choices on the go. One choice at a time. When you are going to “wander” from your planned nutrition regimen, enjoy in moderation.

Marci-CrozierMarci Crozier was a popular contestant on NBC's The Biggest Loser - Season 11. She was the first woman in BL history to reach her goal weight while still at the BL ranch. Marci's expertise in the fitness and weight loss industry was developed during her 28 years as the General Manager of a large, regional fitness facility in Indiana. She is a highly respected, engaging motivational speaker who has inspired sales teams, business professionals, and student athletes, as well as those individuals struggling with personal fitness and weight issues. View her blog here!